15-4. If the mass of dry solids in 171.2 m
of a sludge is 4,280 kg, what is the percent solids?
Assume the specific gravity of the sludge is 1.0.
15-5. What mass of water must be removed from the sludge in Problem 15-4 to achieve 25%
15-6. Dr. Cornwell derived Equation 15-16 based on the stoichiometric chemis
try of iron.
Using Equation 6-10, show how Dr. Cornwell arrived at the coefficient of 2.9 for the
iron dose in Equation 15-16.
15-7. An alternate form of Equation 15-14 is one based on the stoichiometric chemistry of
ferric chloride assuming that the ferric chloride is purchased in solution and that there
are no waters of hydration. Use Equ
ation 6-10 to derive the coefficient for FeCl
suming the ferric chloride dose in Equation 15-16 is mg/L as FeCl
instead of Fe;
that is, find “x” in the following equation:
86 4.Q FerricchlorideSSM(( ) )x
15-8. Compare the approximate form for estimating sludge volume reduction and the rigor-
ous method by computing the percent error for the following conditions:
S p e cific gravity of solids 1.2
Solids fraction of wet sludge 1%
Solids fraction of dewatered sludge 25%
Volume of wet sludge 66.0 m
/ d
15-9. Compare the approximate form for estimating sludge volume reduction and the rigor-
ous method by computing the percent error for the following conditions:
S p e cific gravity of solids 2.4
Solids fraction of wet sludge 10%
Solids fraction of dewatered sludge 50%
Volume of wet
sludge 66.0 m
/ d
15-10. Using a spreadsheet you have written, plot a graph of percent error versus the wet
sludge solids concentrations of 1, 2, 3, and 4% for the data in Problem 15-8.
15-11. Using a spreadsheet you have written, plot a graph of percent error versus the wet
sludge solids concentrations of 2, 5, 10, and 15% for the data in Problem 15-9.
15-12. The city of Pherri
c’s coagulation treatment plant sedimentation tank is being designed
to treat a flow of 20,000 m
/ d. Based on jar tests, the design dose of ferric chloride is
estimated to be 18.0 mg/L and the polymer dose is estimated to be 0.1 mg/L. The design
raw water suspended solids concentration is 19.4 mg/L. The design effluent suspended
solids conc
entration from the settling tank is 3.0 mg/L. The following sludge charac-
teristics have been selected for the design: sludge solids content 0.010%, specific
gravity of the sludge solids 1.2. What volume of sludge from the settling tank must
be disposed of each day? Ass
ume that the ferric chloride is fed as FeCl
15-13. The city of Calcareous’ upflow solids contact tank design flow is 30,000 m
/ d. The
water source is the Raccoon River. The plant will remove 114 mg/L of calcium
carbonate hardness as CaCO
b y the addition of lime. No other hardness removal is