a . From the Freundlich equation developed in Example 14-3 with C
10 mg/L,
5 1 3 10 78 9
0 187
mg xylenes/g carbon()
b. Mass of xylene to be removed per day:
()()()60 10 380 1 000 1 9
mg/L mg/L m /d L/m,.0010
c. Mass of carbon required:
190 10
78 9
mg/d of xylene to be removed
ggxylenes/g carbon
g/d or kg/2 41 10 240
. ddof activated c arbon
A ctual designs should be based on column studies using the actual raw water becaus e the
behavior of the GAC column will not reach equilibrium in normal practice. The mass balance
method presented for designing ion exchange columns (Chapter 8) can be used to evaluate the
column data and develop a design.
The usual systems to contact the water with the carbon are fixed beds and countercurrent
moving beds (also called pulsed beds ). The fixed beds may be operated in either the upflow or
downflow configuration. The upflow, fixed bed is more efficient in carbon use but require
s a
relatively high influent clarity ( 2–3 NTU). The downflow configuration may also s erve as a
filter for suspended solids. The countercurrent moving beds have a lower labor cost and higher
utilization of the adsorption capacity of the carbon. Both the fixed beds and the moving beds may
use gravity or pressure liquid flow. A ty
pical fixed-bed column with liquid downflow is shown
in Figure 14-9 . In practice, multiple beds in series, parallel, or a combination of series and paral-
lel are used. A minimum of two in series is recommended to optimize carbon use and prevent
premature breakthrough.
The particle size of the GAC affec
ts pressure drop, filtration efficiency, and the rate at which
equilibrium is reached. Smaller particles yield a higher pressure drop but reach equilibrium more
rapidly. Selection of the GAC particle size is then a matter of balancing these competing issues.
Table 14-10 provides a guide to selection for the variou s possible c
olumn configurations.
Typical design criteria are listed in Table 14-11 on page 14-34.
Carbon regeneration is a major consideration in the selection and design of GAC facili-
ties. An extensive discussion of the options and operational considerations is given in Clark and
Lykins (1989).
T a ste and odor are grouped together because they are inextricably linked. Although taste and
odor are not classified as “spec ific constituents,” they arise from specific constituents and are,
therefore, included in this chapter. The major water treatment issue with T&O is palatability
rather than potability.
Decaying vegetation and metabolites of microorganisms are the most universal sourc es
of d isagreeable taste and odors in surface water. T&O problems are more common in surface
water than groundwater becaus e of the presence of algae in surface water. The rotten egg odor
of hydrogen sulfide occurs
in groundwater, and in som e distribution systems, as a result of the