the Mg(OH)
. The carbonated sludge is filtered and soluble magnesium bicarbonate is recovered
as filtrate. The lime is recovered by recalcining the CaCO
With appropriate selection of materials to deal with the corrosive nature of the sludge, waste back-
wash water, reject from membrane processes, brine from ion exchange processes, and sludges with
solids concentrations less than 1 percent may be conveyed by standard pump and pipe sy
stems used
for water. As shown in Example 27-2, the Hazen-Williams equation may be used for pipe design.
Sludges with concentrations above 1 percent behave as non-Newtonian fluids. There is
no simple relationship that can be used to predict headloss. There is no readily available
method for calculating headloss in chemi
cally generated sludges from water treatment pro-
cesses. The graphs that are available for calculating headloss in pumping sludge are based on
experiments with biological sludges found in wastewater treatment systems. Pec k and Russell
(2005) suggest that these may be used with appropriate
safety factors. These are discussed in
Chapter 27.
In addition to the difficulties in predicting headloss, conventional centrifugal pumps are inef-
fective in moving sludge with solids concentrations greater than about 3 or 4 percent. Progressive
cavity pumps, peristaltic pumps, and diaphragm pum
ps have been used for pumping residuals
from clarifiers and thic keners . As an alternative to s c rew or c onvey or systems, progressive cav-
ity pumps and high-pressure piston pumps have been used to move dewatered residuals (Peck
and Russell, 2005). The selec
tion and application of various alternatives for moving sludges and
dewatered residuals are discussed in Chapter 27.
The treatment of solid/liquid wastes produced in water treatment processes involves the separa-
tion of the water from the solid constituents to the degree necessary for the selected disposal
method. Therefore, the required degree of treatment is a direct function of the ultimate disposal
d. In turn, the ultimate disposal method is a function of regulatory constraints and the eco-
nomics of the disposal method.
There are several sludge treatment methodologies that have been practiced in the water
industry. Figure 15-1 shows the most comm
on s ludge handling options available, listed by the
categories of thickening, dewatering, and disposal. In choosing a combination of the possible treat-
ment process trains, it is best to first identify the available disposal options and their requirements
for a final cake solids concentration. Most landfill applications will require a “handleable” sl
and this may limit the type of dewatering devices that are acceptable. Methods and costs of trans-
portation may affect the decision how dry is dry enough? The criteria should not be to simply
reach a given solids concentration, but rather to reach a solids concentration that has
the properties
for handling, transport, and disposal. The required properties are a function of the management
options that are available.
Table 15-4 shows a generalized range of results that have been obtained for final solids con-
centrations from different dewatering devices for coagulant and lime sludges.
To give you an appreciation of these solids c
oncentrations, a sludge cake with 35 percent
solids would have the consistency of butter, while a 15 percent sludge would have a consistency
much like rubber cement.