(3) efficiency at BEP, (4) the operating range of flow rate, and (5) motor power.
Sketch and label (1) the depth of the wet well and (2) the loc ation of the pump
3-1. A city council member has suggested that the council would avoid having to comply
with surface water rules for water treatment if an infiltration gallery was used instead
of a shoreline intake structure on the river water supply for their community. Explain
to the council mem
ber why this statement may not be true.
3-2. Given a choice of a sluice gate or butterfly valve for controlling the flow into an in-
take port, which would you select? Explain why.
3-3. What design data must you have to establish the depth of the wet well?
3-4. Which of the following depths for a submerged intake structure is the bes
t to mini-
mize the formation of frazil ice:
• 5 m
• 10 m
• 15 m
3-5. What chemical(s) would you recommend in setting up a zebra mussel control system?
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