1 Study of Nanowire Growth Mechanisms: VLS and Si Assisted 9
crystal–substrate interfacial area, the contribution from the crystal–substrate inter-
face is not expected to significantly change the order of magnitude of the effect.
Thus, strictly based on the Gibbs–Thompson effect, one can predict the melting
point depression ∆C to be about 65 for the case of the 25–40-nm nanowire tips.
This suggests that for the 610 and 660
C growths, the tips will be almost fully in
the liquid state at 20% In composition. However, for nanostructures on the order of
60 nm, one can expect a much smaller melting temperature reduction from this the-
ory, which will not shift the liquidus line sufficiently. This means that the nanowire
tips with sizes of 60 nm shown in Table 1.1 will remain in a partially solid state dur-
ing growth and those grown below the eutectic would not exhibit any liquid state at
all. However, several published experimental results reported much larger melting
point suppression in nanostructures [27–29] than predicted by pure theory, and thus
it is useful to consider these. These studies include the vaporization of Au particles
on graphite [27], melting of thin In film on an amorphous silicon nitride membranes
) [28], and melting of Ge nanowires [29]. For the studies on surfaces, the
substrate materials were carefully chosen so that they had a very low affinity to the
nanostructure being studied, since the melting behavior of nanostructures is known
to be strongly influenced by the surrounding environment [30,31].
From the above published works, the melting point reduction results reported
by Wu and Yang [29] on 30-nm diameter Ge nanowires may be of interest, since
similar nanostructure sizes were studied as in our experiments. In the case of the
Ge nanowires, a 25% melting point reduction was reported during heating of
the nanowires in a TEM. This is a much more significant effect than would be
predicted from pure theory. For example, for a similar diameter Ge nanowire, the
Gibbs–Thomson expression for the melting point depression is (T
/rL. Using the values for Ge (
= 1.4Jm
= 13.6cm
, L =
36.94kJ mol
) and a radius of 30 nm gives a melting temperature reduction of
only 2%, yet this is an order of magnitude smaller than the experimental value re-
ported. Thus, although Ge is a different material, these experimental results indicate
that far larger melting temperature reductions can occur than would be predicted by
the Gibbs–Thompson effect.
If we now examine our experimental results, it is possible to estimate the extent
of melting point depression, assuming a uniform drop of the liquidus, as suggested
by Vallee et al. [32] (of course in this respect, the correct description would be
termed a liquidus depression, and not melting point depression). For the nanowires
grown at 400
C, we can estimate ∆C, the amount of melting point reduction, to be
about 250, which is about four times that of the value predicted from the Gibbs–
Thompson effect for Au, as calculated above. Although it is true that the calculation
was performed on pure Au and not on Au–In alloy for which no data exist, it is still
clear that the melting point reduction estimated from our experiment far surpasses
what the theory would predict. This is a similar magnitude as the large melting point
reduction reported in the case of the 30 nm Ge wires, in which the Gibbs–Thompson
theory only predicts a 2% drop. The reason for this large size-dependent melting
reduction is not clear at this point, but these results suggest that additional factors
must be considered in the theory in the case where the sizes are at or below 60 nm.