2.6 Earth: The Habitable Planet 57
(b) the medium in which simple life forms
capable of photosynthesis were able to evolve,
and (c) a thermal and chemical buffer that has
served to reduce the amplitude of short-term
climate variations.
ii. Earth’s distance from the the sun and its
planetary gravity are in the range that has
allowed some, but not all, of its hydrogen to
escape to space.The escape of hydrogen has
led to oxidation of the minerals in the crust
and upper mantle, a necessary condition for
the accumulation of O
in the atmosphere. It
also liberated the oxygen required for the
removal of CO
from the atmosphere through
the formation of carbonates. Yet it is also
important that enough hydrogen remains in
the Earth system to provide for an abundance
of water.
iii. Active plate tectonics has served to continually
renew the atmosphere by injecting gases
expelled from the mantle in volcanic eruptions.
iv. An active hydrologic cycle sustains life on land.
v. The massive outer planets (Jupiter, in
particular) have tended to deflect comets away
from Earth’s orbit, reducing the frequency of
catastrophic collisions.
vi. The strong gravitational pull of the moon has
tended to limit the range of obliquity of the
Earth’s axis. Had there been no such limit,
harsh seasonal temperature contrasts would
have occurred from time to time in the history
of the Earth.
vii. A rotation rate sufficiently rapid to prevent the
occurrence of extreme daytime and nighttime
The surface of Venus is far too hot to allow for the
possibility of oceans. Furthermore, it appears that
nearly all of the hydrogen atoms that presumably
once resided in the atmosphere and crust of Venus in
the form of water have escaped to space, leaving the
planet virtually devoid of life-sustaining water.
Without oceans and an active biosphere, there is no
photosynthesis, the primary source of atmospheric
oxygen on Earth, and there is no formation, of car-
bonates, the primary long-term sink for carbon on
Earth. Hence, nearly all the oxygen in “the Venus
system” is in the crust, and a large fraction of the car-
bon is in the atmosphere. As a consequence of the
accumulation of CO
expelled in volcanic eruptions,
the mass of Venus’ atmosphere is nearly 100 times
that of the Earth’s atmosphere. The correspondingly
stronger greenhouse effect accounts for the high
temperatures on the surface of Venus. Whether the
climate of Venus might have once been more habit-
able is a matter of speculation.
The surface of Mars is far too cold to allow water
to exist in the liquid phase. The presence of geolog-
ical features that resemble river valleys, but are
pockmarked by crater impacts, suggests that oceans
might have existed on the surface of Mars early in
its history but were not sustainable. As the interior
of the planet cooled down quickly following the
early period of bombardment, the rate of fission of
radioactive substances within its core may have
been insufficient to maintain the plasticity of the
mantle. In the absence of plate tectonics, the crust
would have solidified and volcanism would have
ceased—and indeed there is no evidence of pres-
ent-day volcanic activity on Mars. In the absence of
volcanism, CO
would have accumulated in the
crust rather than being recycled back through the
atmosphere. Diminishing concentrations of atmos-
pheric CO
would have caused the surface of the
planet to cool, and any liquid water that was pres-
ent to freeze. An alternative hypothesis, supported
by the lack of spectroscopic evidence of carbonate
minerals on the surface of Mars, is that the low
Martian gravity allowed the atmosphere to be
blasted away by comet or asteroid impacts. In
both these scenarios, it is the small size of Mars
that ultimately leads to the demise of most of its
Jupiter formed quickly and was large enough to
accrete H
and He directly from the solar nebula.
Hence, these gases are much more abundant in
Jupiter’s atmosphere than in the atmospheres of the
inner planets. It is also believed that the planetesi-
mals that accreted onto Jupiter contained much
higher concentrations of volatile compounds with
low freezing points, giving rise to the relatively high
concentrations of ammonia (NH
) and CH
, which
served as additional sources of hydrogen. In con-
trast to the inner planets, Jupiter is so massive that
the geothermal energy released by the gravitational
collapse of its core is roughly comparable in mag-
nitude to the solar energy that it absorbs (see
Exercise 4.27).
Earth is the only planet with an ozone layer, the
heating of which produces the temperature maxi-
mum that defines the stratopause. Hence the vertical
temperature profiles of the other planets consist of
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