8.3 Deep Convection 347
localized, short-lived and less predictable forcing
mechanism, such as a sea-breeze front, a range of
hills, or the leading edge of the outflow from a preex-
isting convective storm.
b. The vertical wind profile
Convective storms move at a speed approximately
equal to the vertically averaged horizontal wind in
their environment, where vertically averaged denotes a
mass (or pressure) weighted average over the depth of
the storm. Usually a mid-tropospheric steering level
can be identified at which the storm motion vector is
approximately equal to the wind in the storm’s envi-
ronment. However, it should be understood that the
storm is not really steered by the wind at any particu-
lar level: the steering level is simply the level at which
the wind vector most closely matches the layer-mean
wind vector. Under some conditions, storms propagate
systematically to the left or right of both the vertically
averaged wind and the wind at the steering level.
Convective storms often form in an environment
in which the vertical wind shear vector
z is
dominated by the increase in scalar wind speed V
with height. The strength of the shear affects the ver-
tical tilt of the updrafts and downdrafts within the
storm: weak shear favors a structure in which the
downdraft ultimately isolates the updraft from its
supply of low level moisture, leading to the storm’s
demise, while strong shear favors a tilted structure
with a symbiotic relationship between updraft and
downdraft, resulting in more intense, longer lived
storms capable of producing hail and strong winds.
Changes in wind direction with height also play
an important role in the dynamics of convective
storms. Vertical wind profiles that exhibit signifi-
cant veering and backing are conveniently dis-
played in terms of a hodograph: a plot of the wind
components u versus v for a single vertical sound-
ing, with the points representing successive levels
in the sounding connected by a curve. At any level
in the profile the vertical wind shear vector is
tangent to the hodograph curve at that level. In
both the idealized hodographs for a hypothetical
northern hemisphere station shown in Fig. 8.44,
the wind vector V is rotating clockwise (veering)
with height, but the veering is more pronounced
in panel (b). The straightness of hodograph in
Fig. 8.44a implies that the vertical wind shear
z does not rotate with height (i.e., that
the shear is unidirectional). In contrast, the cur-
vature of the hodograph in Fig. 8.44b implies
that both V and
Vdz rotate with increasing
height. The importance of curved hodographs in
the dynamics of a class of convective storms called
supercells is touched on in Section 8.3.2.
In the presence of vertical wind shear, air pos-
sesses vorticity that can be visualized as a rolling
motion about a horizontal axis. For example, both
vertical profiles depicted in Fig. 8.44 exhibit vorticity,
in a clockwise sense, about the y axis. In analogy with
Table 7.1, the magnitude of the vorticity about the
y axis is (
x), where s
zs is several
orders of magnitude larger thans
xs. Hence, the
vertical shear
z is, in effect, the vorticity about
the y axis.
Exercise 8.2 Compare the vorticity about a hori-
zontal axis due to a vertical wind shear of 3 m s
kilometer with the vorticity associated with the
Earth’s rotation.
Solution: The vorticity is equal to the shear, which is
3m s
or 3 10
. From Exercise 7.1 it can
Temperature T
Height z
Fig. 8.43 Illustration of the increase in the lapse rate dTdz
within an inversion layer as the layer is lifted. The black line seg-
ment AB represents the temperature profile within the inversion
layer before it is lifted; CD represents the temperature profile in
the same layer after it is lifted one height increment, EF after it
is lifted two height increments, etc. It is assumed that the bot-
tom of the layer is saturated with water vapor and cools at the
saturated adiabatic lapse rate as the layer is lifted, while the
top of the layer is unsaturated and cools at the dry adiabatic
lapse rate. The steepening of the lapse rate due to the differen-
tial rate of cooling is partially compensated by the expansion of
the air within the layer as it rises. This effect is not represented
in the diagram.
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