262 Cloud Microphysics
(i.e., hydrometeors). Precipitation scavenging is cru-
cially important for cleansing the atmosphere of
pollutants, but it can also lead to acid rain on the
Section 6.8.3 discussed how aerosol particles are
incorporated into cloud droplets through nucleation
scavenging. Additional ways by which particles may
be captured by hydrometeors are diffusional and
inertial collection. Diffusional collection refers to the
diffusional migration of particles through the air to
hydrometeors. Diffusional collection is most impor-
tant for submicrometeor particles, as they diffuse
through the air more readily than larger particles.
Inertial collection refers to the collision of particles
with hydrometeors as a consequence of their differ-
ential fall speeds. Consequently, inertial collection is
similar to the collision and coalescence of droplets
discussed in Section 6.4.2. Because very small parti-
cles follow closely the streamlines around a falling
hydrometeor, they will tend to avoid capture.
Consequently, inertial collection is important only
for particles greater than a few micrometers in
6.8.7 Sources of Sulfate in Precipitation
The relative contributions of nucleation scaveng-
ing, aqueous-phase chemical reactions, and precipi-
tation scavenging to the amount of any chemical
that is in hydrometeors that reach the ground
depend on the ambient air conditions and the
nature of the cloud. For illustration we will con-
sider results of model calculations on the incorpo-
ration of sulfate (an important contributor to acid
rain) into hydrometeors that originate in warm
For a warm cloud situated in heavily polluted
urban air, the approximate contributions to the
sulfate content of rain reaching the ground are
nucleation scavenging (37%), aqueous-phase chem-
ical reactions (61%), and below cloud base pre-
cipitation scavenging (2%). The corresponding
approximate percentages for a warm cloud situated
in clean marine air are 75, 14, and 11. Why do
the percentages for polluted and clean clouds differ
so much? The principal reason is that polluted air
contains much greater concentrations of SO
clean air. Therefore, the production of sulfate by
the aqueous-phase chemical reactions discussed in
Section 6.8.5 is much greater in polluted air than in
clean air.
6.8.8 Chemical Composition of Rain
The pH of pure water in contact only with its own
vapor is 7. The pH of rainwater in contact with very
clean air is 5.6. The lowering of the pH by clean air is
due to the absorption of CO
into the rainwater and
the formation of carbonic acid.
The pH of rainwater in polluted air can be signi-
ficantly lower than 5.6, which gives rise to acid rain.
The high acidity is due to the incorporation of
gaseous and particulate pollutants into the rain by the
mechanisms discussed in Sections 6.8.3–6.8.7. In addi-
tion to sulfate (discussed in Sections 6.8.5 and 6.8.7),
many other chemical species contribute to the acidity
of rain. For example, in Pasadena, California, there is
more nitrate than sulfate in rain, due primarily to
emissions of NO
from cars. In the eastern United
States, where much of the acidity of rain is due to the
long-range transport of emissions from electric power
plants, sulfuric acid and nitric acid contribute 60 and
30%, respectively, to the acidity.
6.8.9 Production of Aerosol by Clouds
We have seen in Section 6.8.5 that due to aqueous-
phase chemical reactions in cloud droplets, particles
released from evaporating clouds may be larger and
more soluble than the original CCN on which the
cloud droplets formed. Hence, cloud-processed parti-
cles can serve as CCN at lower supersaturations than
the original CCN involved in cloud formation. We
will now describe another way in which clouds can
affect atmospheric aerosol.
In the same way as small water droplets can form
by the combination of water molecules in air that is
highly supersaturated, that is, by homogeneous
nucleation (see Section 6.1.1), under appropriate
conditions the molecules of two gases can combine
to form aerosol particles; a process referred to
as homogeneous-bimolecular nucleation. The con-
ditions that favor the formation of new particles by
homogeneous-bimolecular nucleation are high con-
centrations of the two gases, low ambient concentra-
tions of preexisting particles (which would otherwise
provide a large surface area onto which the gases
could condense rather than condensing as new parti-
cles), and low temperatures (which favor the con-
densed phase).These conditions can be satisfied in the
outflow regions of clouds for the following reasons.
As shown in Fig. 6.59, and discussed earlier, some of
the particles carried upward in a cloud are removed by
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