6.4 Growth of Cloud Droplets in Warm Clouds 229
cloud and a uniform updraft tends to produce a
monodispersed droplet size distribution (Fig. 6.17),
in which the fall speeds of the droplets would be
very similar and therefore collisions unlikely.
Consequently, there has been considerable interest
in the origins of the few (1 liter
) larger drops
(with radius 20
m) that can become the collec-
tors in warm clouds that go on to produce rain-
drops, and in the mechanisms responsible for the
broad spectrum of droplet sizes measured in clouds
(Figs. 6.6 and 6.7). This section describes briefly
some of the mechanisms that have been proposed
to bridge the gap between droplet growth by con-
densation and collision–coalescence.
(a) Role of giant cloud condensation nuclei.
Aerosols containing giant cloud condensation
nuclei (GCCN) (i.e., wettable particles with a
radius greater than 3
m) may act as embryos for
the formation of collector drops. For example, the
addition of 1 liter
of GCCN (i.e., about 1 particle
in 10
) can account for the formation of precipita-
tion-sized particles even in continental clouds.
GCCN concentrations of 10
to 10 liter
transform a nonprecipitating stratocumulus cloud,
with CCN concentrations of 50–250 cm
, into a
precipitating cloud. For lower CCN concentrations
in marine stratocumulus, drizzle can form anyway
and the addition of GCCN (e.g., from sea
salt) should have little impact. For polluted con-
vective clouds, model calculations show that with
CCN concentrations of 1700 cm
and GCCN of
20 liter
, precipitation can be produced more
readily than for a cleaner cloud with 1000 cm
of CCN and no GCCN.
(b) Effects of turbulence on the collision and
coalescence of droplets. Turbulence can influence
the growth of droplets by producing fluctuating
supersaturations that enhance condensational
growth and by enhancing collision efficiencies and
Simple models of homogeneous mixing in
the presence of turbulence and associated fluctua-
tions in supersaturation predict only slight broaden-
ing of the droplet size distribution. However, if
mixing occurs inhomogeneously (i.e., finite blobs of
unsaturated air mix with nearly saturated blobs,
resulting in complete evaporation of some droplets
of all sizes), the overall concentration of droplets is
reduced, and the largest drops grow much faster
than for homogeneous mixing due to enhanced
local supersaturations.
Another view of the role of turbulence in droplet
broadening is associated with updrafts and downdrafts
in clouds. Downdrafts are formed when saturated
air near the cloud top mixes with dry environmental
air. The evaporation of drops produces cooling and
downdrafts. In downdrafts the air is heated by adia-
batic compression, which causes further evaporation
of drops. Larger drops may be mixed into the down-
drafts from the surrounding undiluted air. When a
downdraft is transformed into an updraft, the drops
mixed most recently from the undiluted surrounding
air will be larger than the other drops and increase
in size as they are carried upward. With sufficient
entrainment of air and vertical cycling, a broad droplet
size spectrum may be produced.
It has also been hypothesized that in turbulent
flow the droplets in a cloud are not dispersed
randomly. Instead they are concentrated (on the
cm scale) in regions of strong deformation and
centrifuged away from regions of high vorticity,
where the terms deformation and vorticity are
defined in Section 7.1. The high vorticity regions
experience high supersaturations, and the high strain
regions low supersaturations. Droplets in the regions
of low number concentration will experience more
rapid condensational growth, whereas those in
regions of high number concentration will experi-
ence slower condensational growth. This will lead to
broadening of the droplet size spectrum.
In turbulent air, droplets will be accelerated and
thereby able to cross streamlines more readily than
in laminar flow, which will enhance collision efficien-
cies. Turbulence can also cause fluctuations in droplet
fall speeds and horizontal motions, thereby increas-
ing collectional growth. Because little is known about
turbulence on small scales (1 cm) in clouds, it has
been difficult to quantify these possible effects of
turbulence on drop growth by collection.
(c) Radiative broadening. When a droplet is grow-
ing by condensation, it is warmer than the environ-
mental air. Therefore, the droplet will lose heat by
radiation. Consequently, the saturation vapor pres-
sure above the surface of the droplet will be lower,
and the droplet will grow faster, than predicted if
radiation is neglected. The loss of heat by radiation
will be proportional to the cross-sectional area of a
droplet.Therefore, the radiation effect will be greater
the larger the drop, which will enhance the growth of
potential collector drops. The radiation effect will
also be greater for drops that reside near cloud tops,
where they can radiate to space.
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