216 Cloud Microphysics
capture. Consequently, corrections have to be made
based on theoretical calculations of droplet trajecto-
ries around the slide.
Automatic techniques are now available for sizing
cloud droplets from an aircraft without collecting the
droplets (e.g., by measuring the angular distribution
of light scattered from individual cloud drops). These
techniques are free from the collection problems
described earlier and permit a cloud to be sampled
continuously so that variations in cloud microstruc-
tures in space and time can be investigated more
Several techniques are available for measuring
the LWC of clouds from an aircraft. A common
instrument is a device in which an electrically
heated wire is exposed to the airstream. When cloud
droplets impinge on the wire, they are evaporated
and therefore tend to cool and lower the electrical
resistance of the wire. The resistance of the wire is
used in an electrical feedback loop to maintain the
temperature of the wire constant. The power
required to do this can be calibrated to give the
LWC. Another more recently developed instrument
uses light scattering from an ensemble of drops to
derive LWC.
The optical thickness (
) and effective particle
radius (r
) of a liquid water or an ice cloud can be
derived from satellites or airborne solar spectral
reflectance measurements. Such retrievals exploit
the spectral variation of bulk water absorption (liq-
uid or ice) in atmospheric window regions.
Condensed water is essentially transparent in the
visible and near-infrared portions of the spectrum
(e.g., 0.4–1.0
m) and therefore cloud reflectance is
dependent only on
and the particle phase func-
tion (or the asymmetry parameter,
, a cosine
weighting of the phase function that is pertinent to
multiple scattering problems). However, water is
weakly absorbing in the shortwave and midwave
infrared windows (1.6, 2.1, and 3.7
m bands) with
an order of magnitude increase in absorption in
each longer wavelength window. Therefore, in these
spectral bands, cloud reflectance is also dependent
on particle absorption, which is described by the
single scattering albedo (
). Specifically, r
is the
relevant radiative measure of the size distribution
and is approximately linearly related to
weak absorption. Therefore, a reflectance measure-
ment in an absorbing band contains information
about r
. Retrieval algorithms use a radiative trans-
fer model to predict the reflectance in transparent
and absorbing sensor bands as a function of
, including specifications of relevant non-cloud
parameters (e.g., absorbing atmospheric gases, sur-
face boundary conditions). The unknown cloud
optical parameters
and r
are then adjusted until
the differences between predicted and observed
reflectances are minimized. The liquid water path,
LWP (i.e., the mass of cloud liquid water in a verti-
cal column with a cross-sectional area of 1 m
), is
approximately proportional to the product of
and r
(see Exercise 6.16) and is often reported as
part of the retrieval output.
Shown in Fig. 6.6 are measurements of the verti-
cal velocity of the air, the LWC, and droplet size
spectra in a small cumulus cloud. The cloud itself is
primarily a region of updrafts, with downdrafts just
outside its boundary. Regions of higher LWC corre-
spond quite closely to regions of stronger updrafts,
which are, of course, the driving force for the forma-
tion of clouds (see Section 3.5). It can be seen from
the LWC measurements that the cloud was very
inhomogeneous, containing pockets of relatively
high LWC interspersed with regions of virtually no
liquid water (like Swiss cheese). The droplet spec-
trum measurements depicted in Fig. 6.6c show
droplets ranging from a few micrometers up to
about 17
m in radius.
Cloud LWC typically increases with height above
cloud base, reaches a maximum somewhere in the
upper half of a cloud, and then decreases toward
cloud top.
To demonstrate the profound effects that CCN
can have on the concentrations and size distribu-
tions of cloud droplets, Fig. 6.7 shows measure-
ments in cumulus clouds in marine and continental
air masses. Most of the marine clouds have droplet
concentrations less than 100 cm
, and none has a
droplet concentration greater than 200 cm
(Fig. 6.7a). In contrast, some of the continental
cumulus clouds have droplet concentrations in
excess of 900 cm
, and most have concentrations
of a few hundred per cubic centimeter (Fig. 6.7c).
These differences reflect the much higher concen-
trations of CCN present in continental air (see
Section 6.1.2 and Fig. 6.5). Since the LWC of
marine cumulus clouds do not differ significantly
from those of continental cumulus, the higher
droplet concentrations in the continental cumulus
must result in smaller average droplet sizes in con-
tinental clouds than in marine clouds. By compar-
ing the results shown in Figs. 6.7b and 6.7d, it can
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