126 Chapter 5. Nucleic Acids, Gene Expression, and Recombinant DNA Technology
Judson, H.F., The Eighth Day of Creation, Part I, Simon & Schus-
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classic paper establishing the semiconservative nature of DNA
Saenger, W., Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure, Springer-Verlag
Sayre, A., Rosalind Franklin and DNA, Norton (1975) [A biogra-
phy which argues that Rosalind Franklin, who died in 1958, de-
serves far more credit than is usually accorded her for the dis-
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phical memoir on Rosalind Franklin.]
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provocative autobiographical narrative.]
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origin of modern molecular biology.]
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crystal structure of a segment of B-DNA, which largely con-
firmed the less reliable fiber diffraction-based structure of B-
DNA proposed by Watson and Crick.]
Zimm, B.H., One chromosome: one DNA molecule, Trends
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how it was established that chromosomes each contain only
one piece of DNA.]
Molecular Cloning
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studying ancient DNAs.]
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Nicholl, D.S.T., An Introduction to Genetic Engineering (2nd ed.),
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tion and Genomics (7th ed.), Blackwell Publishing (2006).
Sambrook, J. and Russel, D.W., Molecular Cloning (3rd ed.), Cold
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of laboratory protocols with accompanying background expla-
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Watson, J.D., Meyers, R.M., Caudy,A.A., and Witkowski, J.A., Re-
combinant DNA. Genes and Genomes—A Short Course (3rd
ed.), Freeman (2007). [An exposition of the methods, findings,
and results of recombinant DNA technology and research.]
Bioinformatics Exercises are available at www.wiley.com/college/voet.
Chapter 5
1. One-Dimensional Electrophoresis. Perform an SDS–PAGE electrophoresis simulation with known and unknown proteins.
2. Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis. Explore the predicted and observed electrophoretic parameters (pI,molecular mass, and fragmen-
tation pattern) for a known protein.
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