For designing a continuous culture of fragile cells in
a bubble-column or air-lift reactor Eq. 12–19 can be
used. Figure 4 shows the worked-out example for insect
cells. Inspection of the equations for and A reveals
that especially the height H of the reactor and the oxy-
gen tension in the gas are the parameters to adjust in
order to meet the demands set by the minimum specific
surface area needed to supply sufficient oxygen and by
the fact that the growth should be faster than the death
rate. The effect of the height is clearly shown in Figure
4. The rising velocity and the air-bubble diameter
are, in contrast, hardly adjustable parameters.
In this chapter we have attempted to evaluate the most
important parameters which can be useful for the pur-
pose of design and scale up. Insect cells and animal
cells in general can be grown well in large vessels.
However, none of the theories and parameters dis-
cussed in this chapter have been validated on a larger
scale than laboratory and small pilot reactors. Selection
of the most suitable design and scale-up method there-
fore needs in particular studies in larger vessels. The
Kolmogorov theory and the killing-volume model are
in this respect the most promising approaches for the
optimal design of large-scale animal-cell bioreactors.
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