1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Because of the
sin ȦȦIJ2 spectral modulation, segments that do
not reorient during t
, Z
= Z
, do not contribute to the exchange signal.
Consequently, only segments reorienting on the ms to s time scale appear in
the resulting 2D spectrum. One example of the performance of the
2D-PUREX method is shown in Figures 1.16a–c, where the technique was
applied to the crystal form I of the semicrystalline polymer isotactic poly(1-
butene), ([CH
-iPB1), at a temperature slightly above its glass
transition. The regular 2D-exchange spectrum, Figure 1.16a, shows a
pronounced diagonal ridge that arises from the rigid crystalline portion, and
an almost imperceptible off-diagonal pattern, from the mobile amorphous
region. In contrast, in the 2D-PUREX spectrum the off-diagonal intensity
characteristic of diffusive motions is clearly observed, while the diagonal
ridge is suppressed (Figure 1.16b). The simulation of the 2D-PUREX patterns
using the isotropic rotation diffusion model reveals the good reliability of the
method, Figure 1.16c [102].
The usefulness of the 2D-PUREX technique for detecting small-angle
motions was also demonstrated in the amorphous polymer atactic
poly(acrylonitrile) ([C
-aPAN), Figures 1.16d–f. At 293 K, near
diagonal exchange intensity was observed in the 2D-exchange spectrum,
Figure 1.16d. However, it was not possible to attribute it to small-angle
motion because of the superposition of the dominant diagonal pattern. To
confirm the existence of the slow small-angle motions, 2D-PUREX was
carried out (Figure 1.16e). In this experiment the diagonal ridge was
suppressed, and the off-diagonal signals near the diagonal were clearly
detected, showing the presence of slow small-angle reorientation of the aPAN
side chain. In this case the
N 2D-PUREX spectrum can be simulated by a
restrict diffusion process with average amplitude of 20q [57].
Another important variant of the 2D-exchange experiment is the so-called
rotor synchronized 2D-MAS exchange technique. This method was initially
proposed by Veeman et al. [105], who introduced the idea of “rotor
synchronization” of the pulse sequence, i.e., making sure that t
is an integer
number of rotation periods, t
= Nt
so that the precession of the
magnetization resumes at the same rotor orientation where it was at the
beginning of the mixing time. Otherwise, reorientations of segments
relative to the external field occur due to the macroscopic rotation of the
sample (MAS) and overwhelm the more subtle effects of intrinsic segmental
reorientations. In later experiments, synchronization with the beginning of the
evolution period was also used, in order to achieve pure-phase 2D-MAS
exchange spectra [106]. The principle of the experiment is the same as the
conventional exchange NMR methods for nonrotating solids discussed above,
i.e., it correlates the anisotropic NMR frequencies in two different periods of
time (
t and
t ) separated by a long synchronized mixing time
t [83]. The
appearance of off-diagonal peaks in the two-dimensional spectra is directly
associated with changes in the orientation-dependent NMR frequencies. When