1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
An example of motion that produces changes in the isotropic chemical
shifts is the ring S-ringflips in poly(p-vinylene phenylene) (PPV). Figure
1.17b shows the 2D-MAS exchange of PPV acquired at 258 K with a
spinning frequency of 7.5 kHz. The presence of hetero-cross-peaks linking the
2,5 and the 3,6 lines is remarkable, indicating the occurrence of an exchange
process where the isotropic chemical shifts of the 2,5 and 3,6 carbons are
interchanged. Since the isotropic chemical shift of the 2,5 and 3,6 carbons
depends on the conformation of these segments relative to the vinylene
carbon, the interchange in the isotropic chemical shift can be attributed to a
180q rotation of the phenylene rings around the 1,4 axis. In the particular case
of PPV, slow conformational dynamics are directly associated with chain
disorder, which affects its photoluminescence behavior [109]. Some other
examples of applications of rotor synchronized 2D MAS exchange NMR are
the study of conformational dynamics in amorphous and semicrystalline
polymers, liquid crystals and the study of tautomerism, and molecular
dynamics in molecular crystals [110–112].
2D exchange NMR experiments have also been used for studying local
structure of amorphous solids. This is possible because for dipolar coupled
spins 2D exchange NMR is capable of probing the relative orientation of the
principal axis of the individual chemical shift tensors, which can be translated
in terms of molecular torsion angles. In these cases the exchange process is
not governed by molecular motions, but by local magnetization exchange,
known as spin-diffusion, between directly bonded nuclei [113]. In fact, in
studies of molecular reorientation, spin-diffusion is a limiting factor, because
its effects can be confused with the exchange due to molecular motion. For
this reason, low abundant and low J nuclei such as
C or
H are preferable for
probing molecular rotations, but the mixing times have to be kept short
(usually smaller than 1 s) to avoid spin-diffusion effects [114]. However, in
systems of highly abundant nuclei the dominant exchange process will be
spin-diffusion. Since the NMR frequencies are orientation-dependent, if a
nucleus in a given molecular segment exchanges its magnetization with
another nucleus in a neighbor site during t
, it will experience different
frequencies before and after t
. The shape of the resulting 2D pattern will
depend on the relative orientation of the two molecular segments. However, it
is very important to guarantee that spin-diffusion will be the only exchange
mechanism, i.e., that no slow motion takes place during t
. 2D exchange has
been used for determining relative orientations between different carbon sites
in many organic materials [115–118]. For that, the use of a
C or
pair is necessary, which has been provided by specific
C or
N isotopic
labeling at the sites of interest. Other applications of the method not requiring
isotopic labeling are those where
P nuclei are used to probe relative
molecular orientations.
P is a spin 1/2, 100% abundant nucleus, found in
many organic and inorganic systems. An example of these studies is the
measurement of relative tensor orientations of different phosphate units (Q