these model proteins perform their diverse
functions be given serious consideration for
function of biology's proteins.
The Hill plots in Figure 1.3B compare the
Hill coefficients of hemoglobin and myoglobin.
The celebrated positive cooperativity of hemo-
globin exhibits a Hill coefficient, n, of 2.8. This
positive cooperativity evolved for the efficient
transport of oxygen from lungs to the tissues.
On the other hand, myoglobin, with the role of
storage and diffusion of an innocuous state of
oxygen in the tissues, exhibits a Hill coefficient
of 1, indicating the presence of neither positive
nor negative cooperativity. As will be shown in
Chapter 7, the replacement in myoglobin of
many of protein's most vinegar-like residues,
the carboxylate-containing glutamic acid (Glu,
E) residues, by more oil-like residues results in
the oil-like association of four myoglobin-hke
chains, two a-chains and two |3-chains, to form
hemoglobin, designated as a2p2- The allosteric
structural change on oxygenation occurs at the
oil-like interface between pairs of ap dimers. In
our view, this change in oil-like association at
the a^P^-a^p^ interface is responsible for the
positive cooperativity of hemoglobin.
Larger Hill coefficients indicate more effi-
cient function. Interestingly, the set of designed
elastic-contractile model proteins in Figure
1.3A exhibit Hill coefficients with an extraordi-
nary range from 1.5 to 8.0. Thus, these de
novo-designed elastic-contractile model pro-
teins exhibit a comprehensible range of effi-
ciencies that depend on the degree of oil-like
character of the model protein and that result
from the competition for hydration between
oil-like and vinegar-like functional groups, as
developed in Chapter 5. It is not inconsequen-
therefore, that the understanding devel-
oped as the mechanistic assertion of this book
gives rise to parameters for measuring effi-
ciency that can exceed those widely acclaimed
in the function of biology's multisubunit
Thereby, the objective of this book is to
demonstrate the phase separation mechanism of
oil-like domains separating from water and
related controlling phenomena at the molecular
level as relevant to specific biological protein-
based machines.
12A Assertion
The Applications
The Comprehensive Capacity to
Control Association of Oil-like Domains
Provides the Necessary Understanding for
Meaningful Engineering of Protein-based
Materials for Diverse Medical and
Nonmedical Applications
The families of model proteins by which the
fundamental mechanism is illustrated become
designable materials with potential for sustain-
ing both individual health and an increasingly
complex and populous society. This includes all
polymers operating under the consilient mech-
anism where adequate control over composi-
tion and sequence exists.
The first assertion, as presented in Chapter 5,
results in five rules (axioms) for the design of
model proteins for energy conversion by the
phase separation mechanism. We began these
developments with a simple hypothesis visual-
ized as cusps of insolubility, as shown in Figure
1.1: Any change that makes the elastic model
protein more oil-hke lowers the onset tempera-
ture for association of oil-hke domains, that is,
lowers the temperature for the cusp of insolu-
bility. Similarly, any change that makes the
elastic model protein more vinegar-like raises
the onset temperature for association of oil-like
domains, that is, increases the temperature
range for the cusp of insolubility. On this basis
we systematically designed model proteins with
varying composition for the purpose of achiev-
ing different energy conversions. Testing of
these designed model proteins indeed demon-
strated the intended energy conversions. Five
phenomenological axioms for energy conver-
sion resulted. In the fourth assertion these rules,
buttressed by development of an understanding
of the underlying mechanism (the second asser-
tion) and by the demonstration that biology's
protein-based machines function using this
mechanism (the third assertion), substantiate
the blueprint for designing new model proteins
to fill needs in health care and to support an
increasingly complex and populous society.
In the design focus of the conventional archi-
tect, gravity is the force of primary concern. For