184 14 Deep drawing
The disadvantage of the sometimes relatively long cycle compared with competing processes,
which affects the number of parts which can be produced economically, is often balanced out
by the superior qualities of the tube hydroformed components. The cost-effective production of
IHF parts is only possible when the process is seen as a whole, from the pre-treatment of the
starting stock, to heat and surface treatment, up to finishing.
Figure 14.42 shows an example of a complete tube hydroforming unit.
14.16.3 Advantages of tube hydroforming
The crucial advantages of tube hydroforming are:
– the production of complicated components which could previously only be produced from
several separate parts,
– very precise sizing and shaping of components,
– increase in strength due to work hardening,
– low weight with optimum strengh,
– high rigidity,
– high fatigue strength,
– fewer welding joints for complex components,
– low flow resistance (exhaust systems).
14.17 Exercise on Chapter 14
1. What kind of forming process is deep drawing?
2. Name typical workpieces which are produced using this process.
3. What are “characteristic triangles” and how are they formed?
4. Why can it be assumed that the surface of the workpiece and blank is equal when determin-
ing the blank dimensions?
5. Name the most important elements of deep drawing tooling.
6. How is the drawing tooling for the first draw different to that for the second draw?
7. What happens when the blank holder pressure is too low and what happens when it is too
8. Name the most important advantages of sheet hydroforming.
9. What main areas of application for sheet hydroforming do you know? Name their eco-
nomic limits.
10. Explain the priniple of the tube hydroforming (IHF) process.
11. Name typical workpieces which are produced using these processes.
12. How can the process factor of closing force be roughly calculated?
13. Name the most important advantages of tube hydroforming (IHF).
14. What typical defects occur with tube hydroforming?