Computer exercises 415
where ρ is a mass density, λ and µ are Lame parameters. The wave field is excited
by the point source
f = δ(z)
f(t), (A.23)
located in the point z = 0.
The piecewise homogeneous medium can be perturbed by a smooth inhomo-
geneity of E = λ + 2µ parameter, which is given by the formula
δE(z) =
δE = 0, if |z − ˜z| > ∆,
δE = E
0.5[1 + cos(π(z − ˜z)/∆)], if |z − ˜z| < ∆,
or the smooth inhomogeneity of ρ parameter
δρ(z) =
δρ = 0, if |z − ˜z| > ∆,
δρ = ρ
0.5[1 + cos(π(z − ˜z)/∆)], if |z − ˜z| < ∆,
where ˜z is the location of inhomogeneity, ∆ is its half-size, E
and ρ
are the
maximum values of perturbation of E and ρ respectively.
A.3.3.1 Exercises
To calculate the seismic wave field for the piecewise homogeneous half-space:
• the source location is z
= 0.003 km;
• the receiver locations are z
= 0.003, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5
• location of the interfaces z=0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 km;
• Lame parameters E = λ + 2µ = 1;
• mass density ρ = 1.0, 1.2, 0.8, 1.2, 1.0;
• time sample dt =0.001 s;
• as the source time dependence the Ricker wavelet of 25 Hz frequency is used.
In Fig. A.11 the model, wavelet and the first trace are represented. The seismogram
is represented Fig. A.12 to implement a qualitative analysis of the wave field.
A.3.4 Deconvolution by the Wiener filter
Script p0decon2.m gives an example of deconvolution using the Wiener filter (see
Sec. 12.10)
Let consider processing of the seismogram (see Sec. A.3.3, Fig. A.12) with the
additional noise by the script p0decon2.m. We will try to decrease the signal-to-
noise merit and to bring a shape of the signal to the δ-function. In Fig. A.13 a
fragment of the seismogram from Fig. A.12 with addition of the Gaussian noise is
represented (N(0, σA
). Here σ=0.1, A
is a maximum value of the seismic signal
on the seismogram). In Fig. A.14 the fragment of the seismogram from Fig. A.13
after the deconvolution is represented.
The Wiener filter can be considered as an example of the application of the method of least
squares Sec. 6.4.