Computer exercises 403
A.1.3.9 Laplace distribution
Graphic presentation of the Laplace density function (1.50) is realized by the script
d0lapl.m. The function d=d lapl(x,l) returns row vector d, Which contains the
values of the Laplace density function.
A.1.3.10 Logarithmic normal distribution
Graphic presentation of the logarithmic normal density function (1.52) is realized
by the script d0lnorm.m. Function d=d lnorm(x,xm,s) returns row vector d, which
contains the values of the logarithmic normal density function.
A.1.3.11 Poisson distribution
Graphic presentation of the Poisson probability function (1.39) is realized by the
script d0poiss.m. Function d=d poiss(n,a) returns row vector d, which contains
the values of the Poisson probability function.
A.1.3.12 Student distribution
Graphic presentation of the Student density function (1.46) is realized by the script
d0stu.m. Function d=d stu(x,n) returns row vector d, which contains the values
of the Student density function.
A.1.3.13 Uniform distribution
Graphic presentation of the uniform density function (1.44) is realized by the script
d0unif.m. Function d=d unif(x,al,bt) returns row vector d, which contains the
values of the uniform density function.
A.1.3.14 Two-dimensional normal distribution
Graphic presentation of the two-dimensional normal density function (see Sec. 1.8.2)
is realized by the script d0gauss2.m. Function d=d gauss2.m returns matrix d,
which contains the values of the two-dimensional normal density function.
A.1.3.15 Exercises
(1) To compare the binomial distribution with the normal density function for the
following values of the parameters n (n = 1, 5, 20) and p (p = 0.1, 0.5, 0.9).
(2) To compare the Poisson distribution with the normal density function for the
following values of the parameter a (a = 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0).
(3) To compare a density function of the χ
-distribution with the normal density
function for the following values of the parameter n (n = 2, 5, 10, 20).
(4) To compare a density function of the Student distribution with the normal
density function for the following values of the parameter n (n = 2, 5, 10, 20).