we obtain an initial matrix as a sum of M + 1 matrix.
To obtain an initial time series we implement averaging over near main diagonals.
To determine the mean operator A as
x = A(X) =
S), (12.31)
we obtain the representation for the initial time series as a sum of M +1 time series.
We should note, that the interactive property of the considered algorithm is its
natural peculiarity. Selection of parameters
The main control parameter is the MNPC – M (M should be < N/2).
The choice of the length M depends on the current problem:
(1) The search of a latent periodicity.
First of all, we calculate eigenvalues by the maximum M and estimate a number
of the eigenvalues l, which satisfy the inequality λ
> 0 . On the next step we
carry out our analysis using M = l.
(2) Smoothing of the time series.
In this case we can interpret an action of the considered algorithm as a filtering.
The reconstruction of some principal components is reduced to the filtering of
the time series by the transition function which is equal to the eigenvector. The
more M , the more narrow will be the band of the filter.
(3) Recovery of the periodicity with the known period.
M should be equal to the period T and N should be multiply to the period
T .
It should be noted that the method is very stable to the variation of the length M.
Intermediate results for interpretation.
(1) Eigenvalues of the correlation matrix of the M-dimensional presentation of the
time series.
(2) Eigenvectors of the correlation matrix. They take up the orthogonal system.
(3) Principal components of the M-dimensional presentation. They also form the
orthogonal system.
(4) Reconstructed time series on the different sets of the principal components is
operator of the transfer from components to the M -dimensional matrix X and
the operator A for the transition from the M-dimensional matrix X to the
1-dimensional time series {x
It should be pointed out two extreme cases.
• M N. We can interpret the eigenvectors as transition functions of the linear
filters, and the principal components appear as the action of these filters.