One of the oldest devices for using waterpower is the undershot
driving directly a rotational operated processor. Well-
known is an undershot wheel aside a driver, mounted on the wall
of a housing in which the processing takes place. Also possible
is a configuration with horizontal axis on a float, anchored in
the river.
For direct drive use the processing must take place
on the float also. This float saves housing construction and
civil structures like supply canals.
Hydrofoiled turbines
Because of very low output a motive power generation
from these turbines is less suitable. Moreover hydrofoiled
turbines should be floated in the middle of a river to
reach the optimal river current where motive power use
is difficult.
Hydraulic air compressor
In medieval Europe this machine with no moving parts was
known a”s the “trompe”
and supplied compressed air to
Catalan iron furnaces.
Basically the hydraulic air compressor
is the inversion of the air-lift pump. A head of water is
used to flow through a circumferential Venturi entrance
of a vertical tube.
In this Venturi openings are provided
so that the water flowing past these openings will induce
air to be sucked into the water stream downward. The
water velocity out of the water now takes along this air
to the bottom of the tube where air is trapped in a chamber.
This air has pressure energy according with the height
difference with the tailwater level.
An implementation is known that delivered air compression of
8 Atmospheres with 750kW of power, at Victoria Mine, Michigan.