To make use of existing civil structures more data
should be obtained about designs and costs
Designs could be bypassing or adapting existing construc-
tions. Waterpower and other use may compete with each
other. Further,.possible cost savings are unknown in
preliminary studies.
Hydraulic air compressors
No study or design and production publishing is known of. The
possibility of transportating the compressed air, and the
absence of any moving part make investigations much desired.
Hydropneuma tic pumps
Again no test results are published yet. A design manual would
improve implementation of this device.
Pumps used in reverse
A manual desribing which types of pumps are usable and which
adaptions are to be made could take away many obscurities with
decision makers having to choose a hydropower device.
General investigations
One subject of
scale hydropower implementation in most
countries is the limits laid down by legislation or hydrologic
management. As small scale use of waterpower mostly will not
be exerted by power utilities,
implementing will be done by
private companies and users.
As is the case with windpower,
this can lead to various difficulties.
To make use of existing civil structures more data should be
obtained about designs and costs.
Designs could be bypassing or adapting existing constructions.
Waterpower and other use may compete with each other. Further,
possible cost savings are unknown in preliminary studies.