The waterwheel can be mounted on a float or placed on the
border of a stream. More common than such a run off river
configuration is a setting in a short diversion canal.
Sizes from .4 to 12 meters in currents up to 5 m.s-1, using
.05 to 5 m3.s-’ of flow. Rotation rates of 2 to
Low cost and low efficiency : up to 60% if some head is created.
Else efficiency can come to 30% as is the case with normal
undershot wheels. Poncelet types,
That have a special blade
design, however do better. Art.isan construction is easy.
They are not sensative for silted water, if no bearings are
under water surface. Depending on point of water supply
types are called overshot,
breast or undershot wheels.
High torques appear in the axis.
A Savonius rotor,
copied from windpower technology, can be seen
as a waterwheel with two blades,
although also lift forces
behind the blades occur like with hydrofoiled turbines.
Efficiency of these rotors seems to be very low.
When an airplane wing formed blade is moving through flowing
water a lifting force can be generaled that drives this blade.
The foil makes a slight angle with its moving direction :
the pitch.
The motion of the foil evokes a resistant stream,
which together with the inclined stream velocity makes a virtual
relative velocity of water flowing to this foil. Straight to
this direction acts the lift,
caused by underpressure behind
the foil.
This lift has a component that drives the foil
in the moving direction.
Attention has to be given to the fact
that the local stream velocity is smaller than elsewhere,
because of the resistance of the turbine.