The use of generators to convert axial power from a turbine
into electrical power has its advantages of energy being
transportable and applicable for variuous pruposes.
A choice has to be made between depending and alternating
three or single phase alternating currency,
voltagelevel and type of generator.
Depending currency is only suitable for low voltages and low
power 0utput.s. It has the advantage of independence of
generator rotating speed and it can be stored in batteries.
The distance to point of demand has to be short to prevent
high energy losses.
For longer distances and higher power outputs alternating
current should be chosen. To reduce transmission losses,
voltage from the generator should be powered UD.
A single phase generator will do at medium outputs if at present
or in future no three-phase frequency is needed. A three-phase
system is necessary when powerful electric motors are to be
installed or large outputs are involved.
If the hydropower unit is to be linked to a utility grid
an asynchronous generator is the best option. As however
in uncoupled situations the choice of generator type is
more complex.
Issue in the case of generating alternating
currency deliverance is the frequency of the current,
that is to be held constant around 50 or 60 cycles per second.
Various generator types and clever tricks are possible,
such as DC-AC converters, mutators, generating dependent
currency to drive a DC-motor which is coupled to an AC-generator.