TOOL Foundation - Technical Development with Developing Countries,
1980, Tiemersma J.J. Heeren N.A. , 113 pages, English Language.
Table of Contents.
Scope of this publication.
Meanings of small scale hydropower.
Basics of hydropower.
Conventional hydropower technologies.
Small scale hydropower technologies.
Turbine types.
Waterwheel development and use.
Practice examples.
Applicability test.
Costs of small scale hydropower.
Desired further studies.
Literatures and manufactures.
Table of Contents.
Scope of this publication.
Meanings of small scale hydropower.
Basics of hydropower.
Conventional hydropower technologies.
Small scale hydropower technologies.
Turbine types.
Waterwheel development and use.
Practice examples.
Applicability test.
Costs of small scale hydropower.
Desired further studies.
Literatures and manufactures.