1’1~~ use oi \iaterpower for indu.5tl.i 11 and domestic purposts
has generatecl interest since Grecian culture. In the last
interest has even increased, as this power source
has the appraisable qualities of being renewahle and non-
polluting and giving more oil- and import independence.
Especially these qualities make water-power an excellent
option both in developing countries as in economies like
Europe and Northern America.
Import independence is most attractive for developing countries.
In the Western World the non-polluting aspects suits to
attemptions made to reduce distulbance of the environment
caused by exhausts from thermal electricity generation.
In the past most of the most suitable sites for hydropower
statlor:s are being used on a large scale. Technologies on this
scale !1ax-e
proven well and are being employed and published
war 1 ,jwide.
Now that energy has become a topical issue, also locations
with a smaller waterpower source become interesting in the
lies tern Kcrld. ‘ihese locations and the respective lower outputs
need their own techniques.
This is why the numbers of producers
of smaller waterpower installations as well as the number of
field tests and publications hereabout increase.
Aiike in the &ester-n World in medieval times and thereafter,
power needs in countries with a developing economy are of a
smaller amount. Also these needs are to be fulfilled locally,
caused by greater distances and lack of good
structure. This is why,
apart from national supply schemes,
the small scale schemes are of imnortance also.
in both areas,
waterpower has the constraint of needing
relative high capital investments. This counts also for small
especially when techniques are copied from those
for big scale applications.