reaction was dramatic and swift. In the first week, thousands of peo-
ple viewed the post. To date, over 200,000 people have seen the
ideas, over a hundred bloggers have linked to them, and thousands
of people have commented on them, on my blog and others’. That
one blog post—and the resulting refinement of my ideas after receiv-
ing so much feedback, both positive and negative—created the op-
portunity to write the book you are now reading. And as I was
writing the book during much of 2006, I continually posted parts of
it, which generated even more critical feedback—hundreds of com-
ments—that made the book much better.
Thanks to the power of search engines, my blog is also is the most
vital and effective way for people to find me. Every word of every
post is indexed by Google, Yahoo!, and the other search engines, so
when people look for information on the topics I write about, they
find me. Journalists find me through my blog and quote me in news-
paper and magazine articles without me having to pitch them. Confer-
ence organizers book me to speak at events as a result of reading my
ideas on my blog. I’ve met many new virtual friends and created a
powerful network of colleagues.
As I write and talk to these corporate audiences and other profes-
sionals about the power of blogging, many people want to know
about the return on investment (ROI) of blogging. In particular, ex-
ecutives want to know, in dollars and cents, what the results will be.
The bad news is that this information is difficult to quantify with any
degree of certainty. For my small business, I determine ROI by ask-
ing everyone who contacts me for the first time, “How did you learn
about me?” That approach will be difficult for larger organizations
with integrated marketing programs including blogs. The good news
is that blogging most certainly generates returns for anyone who cre-
ates an interesting blog and posts regularly to it. So what about me?
My blog has gotten my ideas out to thousands of people who have
never heard of me before. It has helped me get booked for at least a
dozen important speaking gigs around the world. I’ve determined
that about 25 percent of the new consulting business I’ve brought in
during the past two years has been either through the blog directly
Web-Based Communications to Reach Buyers Directly
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