release, about a WebEx customer, had been sent through
and had a direct Web link to the WebEx site to provide
additional information. WebEx also provided links in some news re-
leases directly to free trial offers of their services. How cool is that?
“That is exactly our strategy,” says Colin Smith, director of public
relations for WebEx. “Google and news keywords have really trans-
formed the news release as a distribution vehicle. Our thinking is
that, especially for companies that have an end-user appeal, news re-
leases are a great channel.”
It’s certainly no accident that I found WebEx; I was searching on a
phrase that Smith had optimized for search. His research had shown
that buyers of the communications services that WebEx provides
search on the phrase “accelerate sales cycle” (and also many others). So
when I searched on that phrase, WebEx was at the top of the listings.
As a result, WebEx provided me with an excellent (and real) exam-
ple of a company that had optimized the content of news releases to
include relevant terms such as the one I was looking for. And WebEx
has greatly benefited from their efforts. In addition to the consumers
they already reach online, they’ve added to their audience by getting
the information to someone who tells other people about it (me!);
I’ve used this example in speeches before well over 10,000 market-
ing and Web content professionals and executive audiences, and it
was also downloaded more than 200,000 times as part of my New
Rules of PR e-book. And now you’re reading it here, too.
“People are saying that press releases are dead,” Smith says. “But
that’s not true for direct-to-consumer news releases.” As Smith has
developed his news release strategy to reach buyers directly, he has
had to refine his writing and PR skills for this evolving, but very
much alive, medium. “I learned the very structured AP Style Guide
way to write releases,” he says. “But that’s changed as keywords and
phrases have suddenly become important and the scale and reach of
the Internet have opened up end users as a channel.”
Web-Based Communications to Reach Buyers Directly
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