Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), 62
Public relations strategy, 37–38
Publisher, thinking like, 35–36, 173
Publishing industry, 59–60
Puma, 226
Purple Cow (Godin), 232
Rambeau, Dee, 180
Ratliff, Eddie, 53–55
Reaching buyers directly, 27–39
Reed Elsevier, 59
Reporters, 194–195, 198
Research and survey reports, 137
Return on investment (ROI), of blogging,
Reuters, 237–238
Revella, Adele, 119, 121
Rewards, blogs and, 45
Richard, Chuck, 98–100
Roberts, John, 163, 164
Rose, Kevin, 75
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, 70,
blogs and, 208
in online media room, 191–192
reaching more buyers with, 171
in Web marketing strategy, 159–160
Rubel, Steve, 62
Russinovich, Mark, 78
Rymaszewski, Michael, 236
Sales, 160–161, 162–163
Sarbanes-Oxley legislation, 123
Scala, Inc., 249–251
Schmidt, Dave, 149
Schwartz, Larry, 196
Scott, Alan, 82
Scott, Yukari Watanabe, 213
Search engine advertising, 242–243
Search engine marketing, 17. See also Search
engine optimization
carve out search engine real estate, 245–246
creating programs for, 244–245
in fragmented business, 249–251
long tail of search, 244–245
meaning of, 242
vs. other types of marketing, 241–243
Search Engine Marketing Inc. (Moran and
Hunt), 244
Search engine optimization (SEO):
defined, 242
as marketing program, 243–244
online media room as free, 180–181
Search Engine Roundtable, 29
Search engines, 52, 210–211, 242–243,
Search Engine Watch, 99, 244
Searching, in search engines, 244–246
Search Marketing, 242–243
Second Life, 235–239
Second Life: The Official Guide
(Rymaszewski), 236
Second Life Boutique, 237
Security Moms, 117, 119, 120, 125
Self-contained unit, landing page as, 248–249
Service, introducing, 161–162
Services, marketing and PR plan and, 113–114
Sethi, Ramit, 137, 123–125
SHIFT Communications, 131, 175–176
Shore Communications Inc., 197
Shorten Your Sales Cycle: Marketing Programs
that Deliver More Revenue Faster (Scott),
Simonis, Linas, 213–214
Site experiment, 235
Site optimization, 20
Site personality, developing, 156
Slashdot, 79
Small Is the New Big (Godin), 232
Smirnoff “teapartay” video, 224
Smith, Bradley H., 124–125
Smith, Colin, 66–68
Smith-Winchester, Inc., 149
Smyth, George L., 71–72, 74
Social media tags, in news releases, 175–176
Social networking, podcasting as part of, 73
Social networking sites:
MySpace and, 229–231
optimizing, 233–235
popularity of, 229
Squidoo and, 231–233
Software, for blogging, 206–207
Software Marketing Perspectives Conference
& Expo, 65
Solomon, Lisa, 87–88
Solosez, 87–88
“Sony, Rootkits and Digital Rights
Management (DRM) Gone Too Far,”
(Russinovich), 78
Sony BMG, 78–80, 83
Sony Suit blog, 80
Sources of information, blogs as, 49–50
Squidoo, 231–233
Squidoo lenses, 103–104
Squires, Mark, bulletin board of, 36
Starbucks, 113–114
“State of the Blogosphere” report
(Technorati), 203
Stelzner, Michael A., 135
Stern, Diana, 129–132
Stock quoting, 157
for content, 35–36
for developing news releases, 168–169
for media relations, 68, 181, 182
to reach buyers, 32–33
for social networking site, 229–231
Student Loan Network, 221
Success, 24–25, 30, 115
Index 273
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