I can say that blogging is a global phenomenon in countries with
widespread web access and that many bloggers from other countries
are active in the global blogging community. I’ve received links and
trackbacks from bloggers in something like 40 different countries. It’s
so cool when a comment or a link comes into my blog from someone
in, say, Russia or Finland or Thailand.
There is other clear evidence that blogging is alive and well out-
side of North America. TypePad offers services in the United King-
dom, Japan, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Finland,
and Belgium, in addition to the United States. And Technorati, the
blog search engine, maintains sites in English, French, German, Ital-
ian, Chinese, and Korean. My wife, Yukari Watanabe Scott,
an au-
thor of Japanese-language novels, magazine articles, and nonfiction
books, maintains a blog to reach her readers in Japan. This tech-
nique is especially important because her readers there are halfway
around the world from where we live, near Boston.
One of my favorite blogs is Adrian Neylan’s Cablog,
a hilarious
collection of stories about his life as a taxi driver in Sydney, Australia.
This is what blogging is all about: giving a global voice to a common
bloke, transforming him into a totally uncommon international me-
dia personality. Neylan shares fascinating stories about the people in
his backseat and, in a funny way, tells us a little about ourselves, even
though many of us are a dozen time zones away. I’ve been to Sydney
20 or so times, and I can assure you that next time business takes me
there, I will hire Neylan to drive me where I need to go.
For a true international blogging success story, consider the ex-
ample of Linas Simonis, a marketing consultant from Lithuania who
established in April 2005 one of the first business blogs
in that
country. The reaction from the Lithuanian business community was
almost immediate. “People didn’t know what RSS was in Lithuania at
that time, so I created an e-mail subscription to my blog,” Simonis
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