In-Store Merchandising, Electronic Display Networks, Electronic
Billboards, or any of a dozen other names are used. And to make the
marketing challenge even more difficult, potential customers in this
market don’t congregate at any one tradeshow, magazine, or Web
portal. And that’s just the way Gerard Bucas, president and CEO of
Scala, Inc., likes it because he uses search engine marketing to his
advantage to reach buyers. “We pioneered the digital signage indus-
try,” he says. “Our services are used for retail, corporate communica-
tions, factory floor, and many other diverse business applications.”
Because Scala serves so many buyers in diverse market segments,
there is no clear decision maker. In retail it’s the marketing depart-
ment. In corporate communications for internal purposes it is often
the CEO or the HR department. And the company serves many verti-
cals such as cruise lines, casinos, and more. “Since we can’t possibly
advertise in so many different places to reach these people, we rely
on a great Web site with a strong focus on search engine marketing.”
Bucas says it is critical to use the same terminology as his target
market and to include industry terms that lead to an appropriate
Scala page. “We continuously monitor the top thirty to forty search
terms that people look for when they search for us on the Net,” he
says. “When we find new terms, we write content that incorporates
those terms, and as the term becomes more important, we expand on
the content.”
For Bucas, effective search engine marketing means understand-
ing his buyers and creating compelling content using important key-
words and phrases and then getting each one indexed by the search
engines. “For example, digital signage is one of our search terms,” he
says. “We want to be at the top of the results. But we also care about
similar phrases such as digital sign and digital signs. Each of the
terms gives different results. It’s amazing to me.”
The Scala site includes detailed product content, client case stud-
ies, and information on how digital signage is used in different in-
dustries. “Regular news releases and case studies are all intended to
bring search engines to us,” he says. “With case studies and news re-
Action Plan for Harnessing the Power of the New Rules
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