1998), creator of “Permission Marketing,” and best-selling business
author of Purple Cow and Small Is the New Big—is built around on-
line lenses, which are a way to filter a person’s expertise on a subject
onto a single page. Interested people check out a lens on a topic and
quickly get pointed to useful Web sites. A person who makes a lens
is a lensmaster, and he or she uses a lens to provide context. “Every-
one is an expert,” the Squidoo site says, and Squidoo helps everyone
share that expertise with the world.
A lens is not a destination, but rather like a guide that sends visitors
to other places. The Squidoo FAQ says, “It’s a place to start, not finish.”
Lenses provide detail on a topic and point to other content such as
blogs, favorite links, RSS feeds, Flickr photos, Google maps, or Ama-
zon books. I’ve created (at this writing) five lenses, and for a lensmaster
like me, the effort is minimal (each lens took only a few hours to cre-
ate), yet my lenses are consistently among the top five referring sites to
my blog and Web site—only the search engines such as Google and the
magazine and marketing sites I write for generate more traffic for me.
Vince Ciulla, a professional automotive technician with over 30
years’ experience, has created a popular Squidoo lens called Auto Re-
pair—Trouble Shooting
that points to content on his main site.
part of the All Info About network, this main site offers over 20,000
pages of auto repair content, including some 9,000 questions and an-
swers. “A lot of people want to do their own repairs, and finding infor-
mation about specific vehicles on the Web is difficult,” Ciulla says.
“Fixing your car is easy; the hard part is figuring out what’s wrong. My
Web site and links from my Squidoo lens are how people can get the
information they need for free, such as how to replace a brake master
cylinder. I also explain things like how the cruise control works.”
Most of the traffic to Ciulla’s site comes through search engines,
but visitors also come from Squidoo. “The last time I checked, there
were 210,000 search terms pointing to my pages,” he says. Ciulla
Action Plan for Harnessing the Power of the New Rules
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