Include Multimedia Content
Innovative communicators make use of nontext content, such as
photos, charts, graphs, audio feeds, and video clips, to inform site
visitors and the media. Include executive photos, logo images, prod-
uct photos, and other content that is ready (and preapproved) to be
published or linked to by journalists. You should offer audio and
video clips (such as parts of executive speeches or product demon-
strations), photos, and logos in such a way that journalists can use
them in their written stories as well as on TV and radio shows.
Again, you will find that many people besides journalists will access
this content, so include appropriate examples for your buyer per-
sonas as well as for the media.
Include Detailed Product Specs and Other
Valuable Data
Communicators who use online media rooms to offer valuable con-
tent are more likely to score the positive story. However, organiza-
tions often shy away from posting much of their best content
because they deem it proprietary. On many sites, even information
like detailed product specifications and price lists are available only
through a direct connection with a PR contact or a lengthy registra-
tion form with approval mechanisms. Yet this is exactly the sort of
content that, if freely available, would help convince journalists to
write a story. All communicators and marketing professionals work-
ing at corporations, government agencies, or nonprofits struggle to
decide what content is appropriate to post on their organizations’
sites. However, with well-meaning executives who worry about cor-
porate image, legal departments with a reflexive tendency to say
“no,” and salespeople who think it is easier to sell when they’re the
sole source of knowledge, it might be difficult to gain the necessary
approvals to post “proprietary” content. But there is no doubt that
the more valuable your media room’s content looks to reporters and
buyers, the more attractive your company will look to them as well.
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