well,” said Kolby. “Great article by Mark and scandalous behavior by
Sony,” said Petter Lindgren.
Hundreds of other bloggers jumped in with their own take on the
issue, and chat rooms and forums such as Slashdot
were abuzz.
Many people expressed frustration that the music industry disap-
proves of music piracy and sues music downloaders, yet treats its
customers poorly (which reflected negatively on the entire industry,
not just Sony BMG). Soon, reporters from online news sites such as
ZDNet and InformationWeek wrote their own analyses, and the is-
sue became international news.
So where was Sony BMG during the online hullabaloo? Not on
the blogs. Not on the message boards. Nobody from Sony BMG par-
ticipated in the online discussions. Nobody spoke with online me-
dia. Sony BMG was dark (not participating in the communities at
all), which added to the frustrations of those who were concerned
about the issues. Finally on November 4, 2005, Sony BMG’s global
digital business president Thomas Hesse went on NPR’s Morning
to defend the company. The choice of NPR (radio) as a forum
to react to a storm of protest on the Web was a poor one. Had Hesse
immediately commented on Russinovich’s blog or agreed to speak
with a technology reporter for an online publication, he could have
gotten his take on the issue onto the screens of concerned people
early in the crisis to help diffuse the anger. But instead of understand-
ing customer concerns, Hesse downplayed the issue on Morning Edi-
tion, saying he objected to terms such as malware, spyware, and
rootkit. “Most people, I think, don’t even know what a rootkit is, so
why should they care about it?” he said in the interview.
Online debate intensified. On November 18, 2005, Sony BMG re-
acted with the announcement of an exchange program.
“To Our
Valued Customers,” the announcement read. “You may be aware of
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