and specs. “What I really like about this Web site is how it gives off
the aura of legitimacy, being based in fact, not fluff,” he says.
Vroomen writes all of the content for the Cervélo site himself, and
the design work has been done by a moonlighting chiropractor.
There’s a content management tool built in, so Vroomen can update
the site himself. You wouldn’t call it a fancy site, but it works. “We
get negative feedback from Web designers about our site,” Vroomen
says. “But we have great comments from customers.”
Search Engine Marketing is important for Cervélo. Because of the
keyword-rich cycling content available on the site, Vroomen says,
Cervélo gets the same amount of search engine traffic as many sites
for bike companies that are 10 times larger. Cervélo is growing very
rapidly, but Vroomen is quick to note that growth is not the result of
any one thing. “We take as gospel that people have to see the prod-
uct five different ways [for us] to really get the credibility.” Vroomen
makes certain that his bikes are in front of people many different
ways, starting with search engines, so that they get those five expo-
sures. “For example, they may see the bike on the site, on TV in a
pro race, at the dealer, and on a blog,” He says.
Vroomen says building out the Web marketing at Cervélo takes a
lot of time, but it is simple and cost effective. “This is the future for
companies like us,” he says. “You can be very small and niche and
sell your products all over the world. It’s amazing when we go into a
new country the amount of name recognition we have. The Internet
gives you opportunities you never had before. And its not rocket sci-
ence. It’s pretty easy to figure out.”
The Long Tail of Marketing
I’m a fan of Chris Anderson and his book, The Long Tail, and I fol-
lowed, via his blog, Anderson’s groundbreaking ideas about the
Web’s economic shift away from mainstream markets toward smaller
niche products and services well before his book was published in
The New Rules of Marketing and PR 17
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