European Union and New Regionalism
5 Monica Hirst, ‘A dimensão politica do Mercosul: especificadades nacionais, aspectos
institucionais e actores sociais’, in Integração Aberta (Lisbon: Euro-Latin American
Forum/IEEI, 1995), p. 193.
6 Raymond Aron, ‘L’Europe face à la crise des sociétés industrielles’, in
L’Europe, texts collected by Pascal Ory (Paris: Omnibus, 1998).
7 The Washington Consensus emerged from a seminar promoted by the economist John
Williamson in 1989, organized to discuss the reforms needed to resolve the Latin
American debt crisis. It consisted of a set of economic, financial and social policies
and reforms, recommended by multilateral institutions such as the IMF and the World
Bank, the application of which set the conditions for the grant of loans, renegotiation
of external debt and, ultimately, the reinsertion of Latin America in the international
financial system.
8 Felix Peña, ‘América Latina, el Mercosul y la Comunidad’, in Convergência Natural
(Lisbon: IEEI, 1993), p. 96.
9 Hélio Jaguaribe, speech delivered at the Fourth Latin American Forum, Institute for
Strategic and International Studies (IEEI), Rome, 1996.
10 Geraldo Holanda Cavalcanti, ‘As opções da América Latina face às transformações
de hoje’, speech delivered at the First Euro-Latin American Forum, Federação das
Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo (FIESP) and IEEI, São Paulo, 1990.
11 Hélio Jaguaribe, ‘Uma nova concepção de segurança para o Brasil’,
Estrategia: Revista
de Estudos Internacionais (Lisbon), nos 8–9, 1996.
12 Hirst, ‘A dimensão política do Mercosul’.
13 José Luis Simon, ‘Lessons from Paraguay’, Open Integration Newsletter (Lisbon: IEEI,
14 For a more detailed analysis of MERCOSUR as an open pole in a system of undefined
polarities, see: Celso Lafer and Gelson Fonseca, ‘A problemática da integração num
mundo de polaridades indefinidas’, in Integração Aberta (Lisbon: Euro-Latin American
Forum/IEEI, 1995).
15 Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins, O enigma Europeu (Lisbon: Quetzal Editores, 1993).
16 Celso Lafer, Conference IEEIbr/IEEI, ‘As Novas Realidades e o Potencial de Cooperação
entre a UE e a América Latina’, São Paulo, 4-5 de September, 2006.
17 Speech by Fernando Henrique Cardoso, delivered at the closing session of the Fifth
Euro-Latin American Forum, IEEI, Lisbon, 1998.
18 Felix Peña, ‘Dilemas do Mercosul a Cinco’
O Mundo em Português, n.63, Outubro-
Novembro 2006.
19 Felix Peña, Interrogantes sobre el futuro: las negociaciones comerciales tras las
elecciones en Brasil e en los EEUU’, Novembro de 2006.
20 Marco Aurélio Garcia , Conference IEEIbr/IEEI, ‘As Novas Realidades e o Potencial de
Cooperação entre a UE e a América Latina’, São Paulo, 4-5 de September, 2006.
21 See Alfredo Valladão,
Le XXIe siècle sera américain (Paris: La Découverte, 1993).
22 Stuart E. Eizenstat, ‘Our Future Trade Agenda’, remarks before the House of
Representatives, 24 September 1997.
23 See Riordan Roett,
The EU and MERCOSUR: US Perspectives, text prepared for the
Fifth Euro-Latin American Forum, Lisbon, May 1998.
24 Before the ‘fast-track’ option was put in place in 1974, US law already allowed the
President to negotiate, within certain stipulations and time limits, commercial agreements
and reciprocal tariff reductions with trading partners. The 1974 bill confirmed the power
of Congress to delegate authority to the President to negotiate commercial agreements
and tariff reductions subject to a consultative mechanism between the President and