demand for integration 12–13, 45–6
and supply of integration 46–9, 52
‘demilitarizing’ European affairs 249
democracy 15, 26, 65, 66, 84
cosmopolitan 67–8
Eastern Europe 238–9
Latin America 169–72
South East Asia 134–5
Denmark 215
dialectical social discourse system, culture
as 58–9
digitalization 206
disintegration of states 31
dispute settlement, NAFTA and EU 163
domestic/internal and systemic/
international factors 4–8, 128–9
‘domino effect’ 5, 13, 44–5, 49
East Asia
‘advanced economies’ of 278
bilateral trade policy 92–3
institutionalization 80–1, 83, 85–95, 119
leadership issue 95–104
monetary regionalism and cooperation
93–5, 101
regulatory regionalism 101–4
trends in regionalism 91–2
East Timor 212, 213
East–West relationship 235–51 passim, 289
Eastern Europe 226, 227–8, 235–51, 289
Eastern European view 241–5
EU view 238–41
global view 245–7
historic perspective 235–47
systemic perspective 247–51
‘winners’ and ‘losers’ 242–4
see also Balkans (Yugoslavia)
economic factors 12–14, 39–41
ASEAN 211–13, 216, 219
Barcelona Process 230–1, 260, 262
production and prosperity 278–9
economic globalization see globalization
economic integration stages 78
economic regionalism 3–4
economic regulation 35
economic/financial crises 2, 7
Asia 76–7, 79–80, 90, 91–2, 98, 105,
Latin America 173–4
energy dependence 258
environmentalism 34, 161–3, 178
ethnicity see cultural factors; migration
EU neighbourhood policy (ENP) 114–15
and continental Europe 225–8
regional arrangements 343–8a
European Commission 121, 197–8, 208,
210, 267, 268
European Council 209
European Court of Justice (ECJ) 84, 208
European Monetary Union (EMU) 210, 215
European Parliament 208, 210
European societies, specificities of 280–6
European Union (EU) 345–7a
enlargement 114, 118, 215, 220, 228, 267
unification challenges 286–9
European Union (EU) model 77–9
and African model 197–9, 200–2
and Asian model 77, 79, 203
future scenarios 297–321
German vs Scandinavian 290–3
institution-based integration 207–11
vs ‘bloc’ 283–5
Evans, P. 221
extraterritoriality, Latin America 171–2
Farrell, M. 198–9
Fawcett, L. 188
and Hurrell, A. 204, 205, 206, 211
financial crises see economic/financial
formal and informal integration 213–14,
‘formal institutionalization’ 78
France 176, 180, 210, 215, 258, 278
free vs strategic trade 27–8
FTAA (Free Trade Agreement of the
Americas) 141, 142, 175–6, 177,
Fukuyama, F. 23, 31, 256, 266
fundamentalism 57, 58–9, 61, 62, 70, 71–2
Gamble, A. 10, 21, 33
and Payne, A. 24, 26–7
GATT-WTO 5, 6, 92, 154–5, 162\
GDP (gross domestic product) 278
geographical contiguity 256–7
geographical proximity 12
German vs Scandinavian EU models 290–3
Germany 2, 176, 180, 215, 278
global city 32