3. Some adjectives form the simple superlative irregularly: плохóй/хÿдший,
мáленький/мéньший, корóткий/кратчáйший, хо рóший/лÿчший, тûжкий/
тягчáйший, дорогóй/дражáйший.
Two adjectives, высóкий and нñзкий, have two simple superlatives:
высочáйший (the highest, physically) and вπсший (highest, supreme, higher, e.g.,
higher education), as in ввπсшей стéпени (in the highest degree) and вπсшее
óбщество (high society); нижáйший (lowest, humblest) and нñзший (lowest,
lower, e.g., lower school), as in нñзшая температÿра зимы (the lowest tempera-
ture of the winter) and нñзшие слÿжащие (the lowest ranking employees).
Note also дальнéйший (further, furthest) and позднéйший (subsequent).
4. The prefix наи- may be added to convey emphasis on the high degree of the
adjective. Its usage is considered bookish or formal. Compare here the English,
which does an excellent job of conveying the meaning of the prefix наи- in the fol-
lowing set expression: с наилÿчшими пожелáниями (with [my] very best wishes).
5. The prefix пре- added to the simple adjective has the meaning of very or
extremely and may have the connotation of excessively, overly: предлñнный (very
long, too long), пренеприûтный (very/extremely unpleasant).
Some Notes on Style
The simple superlative has the effect of being bookish or literary and is thus rarely
heard in normal conversation, although occasionally it is encountered in the
speech of educated people. However, there are certain set expressions that you
will see with some frequency that use the simple superlative. Some of them are:
в ближáйшее врéмя
in the near future
милéйшие лîди the nicest people
всё к лÿчшему all for the best
до мельчáйших подрóбностей down to the smallest details
онá изменñлась к хÿдшему she changed for the worse
нет ни малéйшего сомнéния there’s not the slightest doubt
с величáйшим удовóльствием with the greatest pleasure
с глубочáйшим уважéнием with the deepest respect
вπсшее образовáние higher (college) education
чистéйший вздор pure nonsense
егó злéйший враг his worst (most evil) enemy
ценнéйшее кáчество a most valuable quality
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This form is considered old-fashioned and may add an ironic tone.