Вадñм Петрóвич—инженéр. Он идёт на завóд, где он рабóтает. Так-как
на завóде нет столóвой, он верёт с собой бутербрóд с ветчинóйикóка-кóлу.
Мáша и Пáша ещё мáленькие. Их мáма ведёт их в дéтский сад. Онñ берÿт
с собóйкнñги, тетрáди, и карандашñ. Онñ бÿдут обéдать в столóвой при
Вéра Аркáдьевна идёт на пóчту. Онá рабóтает там мéнеджeром
. Ачтó
дéлают её рабóтники? Ну, почтальóны нóсят пóчту, конéчно!
Наш пáпа опáздывает на рабóту, ипоœтому он éдет в своî фñрму на
таксñ. Он архитéктор и рабóтает в большóй, извéстной фñрме.
Абáбушка никуд á не идёт. Онá на пéнсии ужé пять лет. Онá сидñтдóма
и убирáет квартñру, читáет детектñвы, пñшет пñсьма. Кáждое ÿтро д
сидñтвкÿхне, читáет газéту, ижáлуется на совремéнную молодёжь.
Early Morning. Who’s Going Where?
It’s early in the morning. Everyone is going somewhere.
Marta Antonovna is going to school. She is a teacher. She is taking her books
and the morning newspaper with her.
Vadim Petrovich is an engineer. He is going to the factory where he works.
Since there is no cafeteria at the factory, he is taking a ham sandwich and a coca-
cola with him.
Masha and Pasha are still little. Their mother is taking them to kindergarten.
They are taking books, notebooks, and pencils with them. They will be having
lunch at the school cafeteria.
Vera Arkadievna is going to the post office. She works there as a manager.
And what do her employees do? Well, mail carriers carry mail, of course!
Our dad is late for work, so he is going to his firm by taxi. He is an architect
and works in a big, famous firm.
But grandmother isn’t going anywhere. She has been retired for five years
already. She sits at home and cleans the apartment, reads murder mysteries, and
writes letters. Every morning grandfather sits in the kitchen, reads the newspaper,
and complains about the kids today.
52 RUSSIAN: A Self-Teaching Guide