Linguistic terminology includes бÿдущее (future tense), настоûщее (present
tense), подлежáщее (the subject), свистûщий (sibilant), слогообразÿющий
(syllable-forming), шипûщий (fricative), агглютинñрующий (agglutinative),
áкающий (one who pronounces an unstressed о as а), and óкающий (one who
pronounces an unstressed о as о).
Industry and agriculture use быстросóхнущий (fast-drying), льносéющий
(flax-growing), тепловыделûющий (fuel, heat-generating), обрабáтывающий
(manufacturing), плёнкообразÿющий (film-forming), самовсáсывающий (self-
priming), свеклосéющий (beet-growing), угледобывáющий (coal-producing),
хлопкосéющий (cotton-growing), and электропроводûщий (electroconductive).
Nouns from Present Active Participles
The most common examples of participles generally thought of as nouns can be
found in the following list.They are widely used in conversational Russian and are
declined as adjectives: бастÿющий (a worker on strike), вéрующий (a believer,
one of the faithful), военнослÿжащий (a military serviceman), говорûщий (the
speaker), завéдующий (manager, director, head), игрáющий (a player),
нападáющий (a forward, in sports), начинáющий (a beginner), не/курûщий (a
non/smoker), не/пьîщий (a non/drinker), приезжáющий (arrival; one who is
arriving), самообучáющийся (a self-taught person), слÿжащий (white-collar
worker), трудûщийся (worker, toiler), тûжущийся (litigant), уезжáющий
(departure; one who is departing), управлûющий (manager, steward), and
учáствующий (participant).
Adjectives from Present Active Participles
Participles commonly used primarily as adjectives have lost most of their connec-
tion to the participle form. Among these are words such as блестûщий (shining,
shiny). Native speakers of Russian, presented with the task of parsing the follow-
ing sentence, would nine times out of ten not identify блестûщиe as a participle:
Блестûщие предмéты отражáют пáдающие на них лучñ свéта (Shiny objects
reflect the rays of light falling on them). This sentence may be rightly rendered in
Russian using котóрый phrases in place of both participles: Предмéты, котóрые
блестûт, отражáют лучñ свéта, котóрые пáдают на них (Objects that shine
reflect the rays of light that fall on them). In this particular instance the participial
adjective блестûщий is correctly rendered as that shine, but the more common
use of the word is in its meaning as brilliant, as in блестûщий студéнт or
блестûщая статьû.
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