The Second of a Double Direct Object
Егó вπбрали президéнтом. He was elected president.
Её назнáчили дирéктором. She was appointed director.
Я признáл себû винóвным. I admitted my guilt. (I recognized myself
as guilty.)
Все считáют его талáнтливым. Everyone considers him talented.
Я нахожÿœту óперу банáльной. I find this opera banal.
Time Expressions
The most common time expressions that are used in the instrumental refer to
times of the day and seasons of the year: ÿтром (in the morning), днём (in the
afternoon), вéчером (in the evening), нóчью (at night), веснóй (in the spring),
лéтом (in the summer), óсенью (fall), зимóй (in the winter).
Some examples of the use of these expressions are бÿдущим лéтом (next
summer), вчерá вéчером (last night), сегóдня ÿтром (this morning), прóшлой
óсенью (last fall), зáвтра днём (tomorrow afternoon).
With Certain Verbs
The instrumental is optional after the past and future tenses of the verb быть. If
it is used, it indicates a temporary rather than a permanent or intrinsic condition.
Thus, you may say either Онá былá талáнтливой актрñсой or Онá былá
талáнтливая актрñса. But you must say only Онá былá рÿсская.
After the infinitive form of быть, the instrumental is required: Кем ты
хóчешь быть?
The instrumental is required after all forms of the verb стать.
After the two verbs рабóтать and служñть the instrumental is used when you
wish to indicate that someone works as something: Ивáн Петрóвич рабóтает
Among the other verbs that take instrumental are явлûться (to be, in formal
writing), вπглядеть (to look like), казáться (to seem), оказáться (to turn out to
be), and остáться (to remain).
Пóсле смéрти родñтелей Кáтя
After the death of her parents, Katya
остáлась сиротóй. was left an orphan.
Œтот ромáнкáжется мне óчень This novel seems complicated to me.
242 RUSSIAN: A Self-Teaching Guide