To understand what is happening, let’s take some feminine nouns ending in
-ия and express the letter я of the suffix as the combination йа. Then drop the last
letter, which is now also the same thing as the last vowel sound, and you will arrive
at the correct genitive plural form.
Nominative Singular Expanded Form Genitive Plural English
лéкция лéкцийа лéкций lecture, class
лаборатóрия лаборатóрийа лаборатóрий lab
фамñлия фамñлийа фамñлий last name
профéссия профéссийа профéссий profession
A similar phenomenon can be observed with feminine nouns in a consonant
plus я. For example, a feminine noun such as недéля must show in the genitive
plural that the stem is soft. This is done orthographically by adding a soft sign.
Кухня is another noun of this type.
Feminine Nouns in a Soft Sign
All feminine nouns in a soft sign remove the soft sign and add -ей. There are no
exceptions, but you must remember that the nouns мать and дочь lengthen their
stems in the oblique cases, thus becoming in the genitive plural матерéй and
дочерéй. There is another noun, кyрица (chicken), that does the opposite, that is,
it shortens, rather than lengthens, its stem in the plural. Nonetheless, the genitive
plural is formed regularly by dropping the final vowel: кÿрица is кÿры in the
nominative plural and кур in the genitive plural.
NOTE: Masculine nouns that end in the vowel а are declined like femi-
nine nouns: мужчñна/мужчñн, дéдушка/дéдушек, and so forth. Several
nouns have exceptional endings: îноша/îношей, дûдя/дûдей.
Feminine Nouns in a Soft Sign Plus -я
Nouns of this type, such as статьû (article), are combination fleeting vowel–zero
ending genitive plurals: статéй.
The Genitive Case 207
There are certain words where the soft sign is not added. Спáльня (bedroom), for exam-
ple, becomes спáлен; башня (tower), бáшен, пéсня (song), пéсен. For these types of
nouns, checking a good Russian dictionary such as Ozhegov is recommended.