Systems of Equations and Data in Categories
7.1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Systems of Equations and Their Solutions
The Substitution Method
The Elimination Method
Graphical Interpretation: The Number of Solutions
Applications: How Much Gold Is in the Crown?
IN THIS SECTION… we learn that it is sometimes necessary to use two or more
equations to model a real-world situation. We learn how to solve such systems of linear
GET READY… by reviewing linear equations and their graphs in Sections 2.3 and 2.7.
Archimedes (287–212 B.C.) was the greatest mathematician of the ancient world. He
was born in Syracuse, a Greek colony on the island of Sicily. One of his many dis-
coveries is the law of the lever (see Exercise 33 in Section 2.6, page 209).
Archimedes famously said, “Give me a place to stand and a fulcrum for my lever,
and I can lift the earth.” Renowned as a mechanical genius for his many engineering
inventions, he designed pulleys for lifting large ships and a spiral screw for trans-
porting water to higher levels.
King Hiero of Syracuse once suspected a goldsmith of keeping part of the gold
intended for the king’s crown and replacing it with an equal weight of silver. So the
crown was the proper weight, but was it solid gold? The king asked Archimedes for
advice. Archimedes quickly realized that he needed more information to solve this
problem: He needed to know the volume of the crown. The problem contains two
variables: weight and volume. But how do we find the volume of an irregularly
shaped crown?
While in deep thought at a public bath, Archimedes discovered the solution
when he noticed that his body’s volume was the same as the volume of water it dis-
placed from the tub. Using this insight, he was able to measure the volume of the
crown. As the story is told, Archimedes ran home naked, shouting, “Eureka, eu-
reka!” (“I have found it, I have found it!”). This incident attests to Archimedes’
enormous powers of concentration—an essential element in the process of prob-
lem solving.
We solve the crown problem in Example 5. But first, we learn how to solve a
system of two equations in two variables.
Archimedes discovers the solution
to the crown problem.
■ Systems of Equations and Their Solutions
A system of equations is a set of equations in which each equation involves the
same variables. For example, here is a system of two equations in the two variables
x and y:
Equation 1
Equation 2
2x - y = 5
x + 4y = 7