fl ow switch (sail switch) Used in air conditioning
systems to sense the ow of air instead of the ow
of liquid. Operates on the principal of a sail.
fl ow washer Part of an electric solenoid valve in an
ice maker that meters the amount of water used.
forward biased A diode is forward biased when a
positive voltage is connected to the anode and a
negative voltage is connected to the cathode.
4-way valve (reversing valve) A common solenoid
valve used to change the direction of refrigerant
ow in a heat-pump system. Composed of a main
valve and a pilot valve operating together.
FR (fan relay) Controls the fan motor. Designed so
that a switch can be used to turn the circuit com-
pletely off, operate the fan manually, or permit
the fan to be operated by a thermostat.
freezer assembly A hollow tube surrounded by a
cylindrical container that is the evaporator in the
refrigeration unit.
frequency The number of complete cycles of AC
voltage that occur in one second.
FSCR (fl ow switch control relay) The coil of relay
connected to the line when the ow switch closes.
full-load torque The amount of torque necessary
to produce the full horsepower of a motor at
rated speed.
full-wave rectifi er Recti er that uses two diodes to
convert AC to DC. Both halves of the AC wave-
form are used.
fuse A device used to protect a circuit or electrical device
from excessive current. Fuses operate by melting
a metal link when current becomes excessive.
gain The increase in signal power produced by
an ampli er.
gate (1) A device that has multiple inputs and a
single output. There are ve basic types of gates,
the and, or, nand, nor, and inverter. (2) One ter-
minal of some electronic devices, such as SCRs,
triacs, and eld effect transistors.
germanium Gray-white, hard, and brittle chemical
element used in the manufacture of semiconduc-
tor materials such as transistors and diodes.
gun-type An oil furnace ignited by an electric arc.
eutectic alloy A metal with a low and sharp melting
point used in thermal overload relays.
evaporator An air conditioning or refrigeration
system component that removes heat from the
surrounding air or liquid to cause a change of
state in the refrigerant.
expansion Method for sensing temperature deter-
mined by the expansion of metal, considers the
type of metal and the amount of heat used.
fan-limit switch Contains both a fan switch and a
high-limit switch in one housing. Its operation
will cause the burner to turn off and prevent
damage to a heating system.
fan switch A single-pole, double-throw switch, con-
nected on one side to the thermostat control on
the other to the control voltage.
fan switches (heating) Operated by a bimetal
strip that closes a set of contacts when the tem-
perature of the heat exchanger reaches a high
enough level so no cold air is blown into the liv-
ing area.
farad Rating or unit of measurement of a capacitor.
feeder The circuit conductor between the service
equipment, or the generator switchboard of an
isolated plant, and the branch circuit overcur-
rent protective device.
fi eld discharge resistor Used across a winding to
prevent excessive voltage; helps to reduce the
voltage induced into the rotor by the collapsing
magnetic eld when current is disconnected.
fi eld effect transistors High input impedance tran-
sistors used by op amps that require little current
to operate the ampli er.
fi lter A device used to remove the ripple produced
by a recti er.
“fi re eye” A gas ame sensing device that changes
its resistance in the presence of light.
fl aker-type Ice maker that produces ice chips or
“fl ame rod” A ame-sensing device that operates by
using the gas ame as a conductor of electricity.
fl ex tray Type of ice maker that lls with water and
turns at an angle to dump ice cubes into a bin.