– [477–495] 13.3.2008 10:51AM
edges of magnitude to reduce the strain
to the constrained value, that is by caus-
ing strain e[1 4p(h/W)]. Then apply
opposite line forces of the same magni-
tude a distance 2W apart in the surface of
the half space to produce strain e(4p)(h/
W) in the half space at the midpoint line,
so that when the strip and the half space
are welded the forces cancel and the
strain e(4p)(h/W)remains.
12.1 DeMets et al. (1990) give the motion of the
Indian plate relative to the Pacific plate as
1.1539 10
degrees per year about a pole
at (60.494N 30.403W). Show that, with the
motion of the Pacific plate relative to the
Hawaii hot spot given as the first entry in
Table 12.1, the motion of the Indian plate
given in the table follows.
12.2 If the ocean floor heat flux, discounting hot
spot heat attributable to core cooling,
27 tW, is explained by cooling, to a depth
of 100 km, of lithosphere that is replaced at
a rate of 3.4 km
/year, what is its average
temperature change? Is this reasonable, or
should the estimated depth of cooling be
12.3 Bird (2003) estimated the total linear length
of spreading centres to be 67 000 km and
zones of convergence (subduction) to be
51 000 km. if we take the sum of them to
be the total length of plate boundaries,
what is the mean plate size, that is the
‘reach’ or distance between source and
sink? Is this consistent with the estimates
of mean plate speed in Section 13.2 and
average plate lifetime from Section 20.2
(90 million years)? Such average numbers
can be misleading. There is a range of plate
sizes and speeds and the relationship
between averages depends on how size
and speed, or lifetime and speed, are corre-
lated. Suppose the speeds to be uniformly
distributed over the range 0 to n
with an
=2, and approximate this
with a distribution in which half of the
ridge length produces crust spreading at
=2 and the other half produces crust
spreading at 3
=2. Suggest how the
lifetimes of the plates may be correlated
with their speeds and show how the corre-
lation influences the relationship between
mean values.
12.4 Consider a continental block of thickness
40 km and diameter 4000 km, with a sur-
face elevation 840 m above sea level, iso-
statically balanced with ocean floor at
an elevation of 4500 m, to drift from
Antarctica to the equator. Estimate the
change in the Earth’s rotation rate and the
shift of the pole of rotation with respect to
all other features, which remain fixed in
relative positions, under two alternative
conditions, (a) there is no change in elliptic-
ity, (b) the equatorial bulge readjusts to
12.5 Some geological reports indicate that, 100
million years ago, sea level was 200 m
higher than a present. We assume this to
be a global effect and not a local effect of
land movement. It cannot be accounted for
by complete ice cap melting (which would
cause a rise of about 80 m) combined with
any plausible warming and thermal expan-
sion of the oceans. Consider the changes in
ocean floor topography that could have
been responsible. Isostatic balance of con-
tinents and ocean basins ensures that there
was no net transfer of mass between such
large areas and therefore that sea level var-
iations would have been caused by varia-
tions in the thermal structure of the
lithosphere. The diffusive cooling model
for the oceanic lithosphere (Section 20.2)
gives the total cooling, and therefore
shrinkage, at age t as proportional to t
This causes ocean deepening, relative to the
ridge crests, z ¼z*(t/)
, where z* ¼3000 m
is the value at age * ¼90 million years, the
present average duration (lifetime) of the
oceanic lithosphere. Flooding of the conti-
nents would be caused by a decrease in the
average value of z, and therefore t
, requir-
ing the ocean floors to be hotter and
younger, on average, than at present. This
could have arisen in several ways. One pos-
sibility is a plate redistribution such that
average plate ages are now more nearly
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