Interconnection, L.L.C., Initial Filing, Docket No. ER09-701-000
(February 9, 2009).
Order 745, Demand Response Compensation in
Organized Wholesale Energy Markets, Issued 3/15/11
The FERC's recent Order 745 imposes short-term and longer
term Economic Load Response compensation requirements
on organized wholesale electricity markets. The FERC has
determined that DR responding to Energy Market prices
should be paid the Locational Marginal Price (LMP) for
achieved load reductions but only (1) when the RTO or ISO
can use DR to balance supply and demand as an alternative to
generation and (2) when dispatch of DR results in benefits,
measured by the savings to market buyers from a lower LMP,
that exceed the cost of total payments to the CSPs. The Order
further requires the RTOs/ISOs to develop a methodology for
calculating in advance for each month the LMP threshold at
and above which the benefit exceeds the cost. Finally, the
RTOs/ISOs must study the feasibility of implementing a tool
that determines dynamically the LMP threshold.
Demand Response Compensation in Organized Markets, 134 FERC
¶61,187 (March 15, 2011).
If Order 745, as PJM believes, directs organized wholesale
markets to pay full LMP when DR responds to PJM dispatch
directions in the same way as generation, then CSPs will have
fewer options for participating in the Energy Market and will
need to alter their current operations significantly. Currently
as explained above the CSP can offer the load reduction
capability (1) in the Day-Ahead Energy Market or (2) for