Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in charge of the
Demand-Side Management Program.
He has served as an expert witness before the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, various state commissions, and
federal and state courts on topics including market design,
transmission tariffs, generation contracts, demand-side
management, energy efficiency, electricity demand
forecasting, and rate design. He served as one of the state of
California's witnesses in the FERC's hearings on Enron's
market manipulations during the California electricity crisis.
He has advanced degrees from Columbia University in
economics and mathematical statistics.
Patti Harper-Slaboszewicz is a Business Strategy Senior
Specialist Consultant with CSC/Utility Industry Division, a
global leader of technology-enabled business solutions and
services. She actively participates in the firm's smart grid
consulting work for utility business clients as they plan and
implement smart metering, dynamic pricing, and energy
efficiency programs. Her current focus is on planning
products and services for utility retail customers.
She previously led the AMI MDM Working Group to assist
utilities in understanding the need for meter data management
(MDM) and to successfully implement MDM. She was
project manager for the award-winning PowerCentsDC
dynamic pricing pilot program in the District of Columbia
and presented the results of the program to the Executive
Office of the President, the Department of Energy, and the
National Science and Technology Council along with the rest
of the program team. She started her utility career at Pacific
Gas and Electric Company in the IT and Rate Departments,