350 Chapter 13
In Chapter 10 we alluded to some of these problems in the context of
estimating the variance-covariance matrix. There we showed that histori-
cal data may not be the best way to estimate this matrix; other methods—
in particular the “shrinkage” methods—may produce more reliable
estimates of the covariances. In this chapter we take things a step further.
We illustrate the problems of standard portfolio optimization by using a
10-asset portfolio problem. The MPT optimization for our data produces
an insane “optimal” portfolio, with many huge long and short positions.
The problems of portfolio optimization illustrated in our example are,
unfortunately, not unusual. Using the data in a mechanical way to derive
“optimal” portfolios simply doesn’t work.
In 1991, Fisher Black and Robert Litterman of Goldman-Sachs
published an approach that deals with many of the problematics of port-
folio optimization. Black and Litterman start with the assumption that
an investor chooses his optimal portfolio from among a given group of
assets. This group of assets—it might be the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index,
the Russell 2000, or a mix of international indexes—defi nes the frame-
work within which the investor chooses his portfolio. The investor’s uni-
verse of assets defi nes a benchmark portfolio.
The Black-Litterman model takes as its starting point the assumption
that, in the absence of additional information, the benchmark cannot be
outperformed. This assumption is based on much research, which shows
that it is very diffi cult to outperform a typical well-diversifi ed
In effect the Black-Litterman model turns modern portfolio theory on
its head—instead of inputting data and deriving an optimal portfolio, the
2. A recent paper by DeMiguel, Garlappi, and Uppal (2007), “Optimal versus Naive
Diversifi cation: How Ineffi cient Is the 1/N Portfolio Strategy?,” forthcoming in The
Review of Financial Studies, illustrates how badly mechanical optimization works. The
authors examine optimal allocations among ten sector portfolios. They fi nd that a naive
portfolio allocation rule of investing equal proportions in each portfolio—irrespective
of market values—outperforms more sophisticated data-based optimizations.
3. According to Lipper Analytical Services, “over the ten years ended in June 2000, more
than 80% of ‘general equity’ mutual funds, meaning garden variety stock funds, under-
performed the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index—the major benchmark for stock mutual
funds” (quoted in http://www.fool.com/Seminars/OLA/2001/Retire1_4C.htm). Or,
from a well-known academic: “Professional investment managers, both in the U.S. and
abroad, do not outperform their index benchmarks” Burton G. Malkiel, “Refl ections
on the Effi cient Market Hypothesis: 30 Years Later.” The Francial Review, Vol. 40, 2005,
pp. 1–9.)