Differential scanning calorimetry and property measurements 73
end temperatures are easily measurable and are influenced by the heating
rate. There is a small shift to higher temperatures when faster heating is
applied (Fig. 4.3).
TE6 is pronounced at heating rates of 10 and 20 °C/min. At higher heating
rates (30, 40 and 50 °C/min), this thermal effect is not completed. At a lower
heating rate (5 °C/min), TE6 is not clearly seen with only some signs, given
by the presence of an inflection point in the curve, at about 1340 °C. At
further increase of the temperature above 1440 °C, there is some indication
for the presence of another thermal effect, only at heating rates of 5 and
10 °C/min.
4.1.3 Interpretation of the calorimetry data
The variety of peaks and their appearances indicate several phase and structural
changes during heating. Such variety of peaks has not been observed during
differential thermal analysis (Ohnuma et al., 2000) of other gamma titanium
aluminides. Careful analysis is necessary in order to correlate the thermal
effects with the corresponding phase and structural changes. In order to
correctly interpret the calorimetry curves, additional theoretical and
experimental study is necessary involving: (i) thermodynamic calculations
of the phase equilibria in the Ti–Al–Cr–Nb system; (ii) additional experiments
involving microstructure investigations of alloy heated to different
temperatures; and (iii) calorimetry runs on repeat, or secondary, heating.
Thermodynamic calculations of the phase equilibria in the quaternary Ti–
Al–Cr–Nb system are made with Thermo-Calc using the TiAl-database. This
database can be used for the prediction of stable and metastable phase equilibria
in multi-component gamma titanium aluminides. The calculations are for the
actual alloy composition for both taking and not taking into account the
oxygen content of 700 ppm (0.07 wt.% or 0.17 at.%). The calculation results
are similar, with and without taking into account the oxygen content. The
extent of similarity can be assessed by comparing the calculated equilibrium
mole% of phases versus temperature plots with oxygen (this chapter) and
without oxygen (Chapter 3). Though there are five elements in the alloy
compositions, the term quaternary is used because the content of oxygen as
an impurity in these calculations is fixed and small.
Figure 4.4 shows the phase equilibrium diagram at different temperatures,
obtained by keeping the chromium concentration constant and varying the
aluminium and niobium contents. The isothermal diagrams are plotted for
ranges of aluminium and niobium that are of practical interest for gamma
titanium aluminides. The actual alloy composition is also depicted in the
diagrams. The thermodynamic calculations suggest the following conclusions:
• The B2 phase, which does not exist in the binary Ti–Al diagram, is an
equilibrium phase in the quaternary Ti–Al–Cr–Nb phase diagram at certain