Differential scanning calorimetry and property measurements 79
thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry curves of other
gamma titanium aluminides where the B2 phase does not exist (Ohnuma
et al., 2000).
(iv) The broad thermal effect TE2 is associated with gradual change of the
ratios between the α
, γ and B2 phases. The ratios between these phases
change upon heating to above 900 °C (Fig. 4.6), where the amount of
the B2 phase increases, while the amounts of α
and γ phases decrease.
Such an increase in the amount of B2 phase is experimentally validated
for the same alloy (see Fig. 4.8 and Chapter 3). The amount of B2
phase increases when the temperature is increased from room temperature
to 1000 °C (Fig. 4.8). Further increase of the temperature to 1100 and
1200 °C results in decrease and disappearance of the B2 phase. At
higher heating rates, as earlier stated, TE1 and TE2 are overlapped.
Even at low heating rates where these peaks are separated, the start
temperature of TE2 seems to be before the end of TE1.
(v) It is not possible to explain the appearance of TE1 on the basis of the
calculated phase equilibria. We therefore suggest that TE1 is due to
transformation towards equilibration of the initial thermomechanically
forged alloy. Though X-ray analysis shows the presence of α
, γ and
B2 phases in the forged state, the phase composition in terms of the
amounts of phases may differ from the equilibrium one. Heating to
above 900 °C would allow diffusion processes to take place that would
lead to equilibration of the phase constitution. In addition, in the
temperature range where TE1 and TE2 exist, homogenisation diffusion
processes in the γ phase occur. These are shown by X-ray measurements
(Chapter 3 and Fig. 4.8). An experiment with two heating cycles to a
temperature just above the TE1 further proves this. TE1 is clearly
present during the first heating, but it is not present during cooling or
during repeat heating. Hence, we suggest that this peak is related to, in
the main, the non-equilibrium structure after thermomechanical
The thermodynamic calculations suggest that, for the composition, the
homogeneous α phase (after completion of TE5) at heating would transform
directly through peritectic transformation of α to α + β + L without the α to
α + β phase transition before that. The α to α + β transition occurs in the
binary Ti–Al phase diagram. Our calorimetry data show that the thermal
effect TE6 could be assigned only to the solid state α to α + β phase transition,
and TE7 involves the liquid phase. Indications for this are the appearance
and shape of the TE6 peak as well as the temperature range where it appears.
TE6 is not completed for heating with rates of 30, 40 and 50 °C/min, probably
because of kinetic reasons. Next, TE7, which has just started at about
1440 °C for small heating rates (5 and 10 °C/min), most probably is due to