Neural network models and applications 353
molybdenum content on the C-curve shifting. The influence is more or less
unsystematic. For example, the temperature of the nose point first decreases
at low content and then increases with increasing molybdenum content. The
trend of the incubation time variations is also unclear. A similar, apparently
erratic influence of molybdenum was reported for binary Ti–Mo alloys. This
effect is most probably due to the complex and dual influence of molybdenum
on the thermodynamic and the kinetic parameters. The significant changes
of the C-curve shape in these cases confirm this duality.
The model was used to study the influence of other typical and commonly
used alloying elements in titanium alloys. The influence of tin and chromium
on the isothermal transformation kinetics is simulated. TTT diagrams are
calculated by the NN model assuming increased and decreased contents of
tin and chromium in the Ti-5Al-4Cr-4Mo-2Sn-2Zr alloy. With the increasing
of either tin or chromium contents, the C-curve is shifted to lower temperatures
and longer times (Fig. 14.19). Hence, these two elements have similar influence
to vanadium. There is a good correspondence between the neural network
simulations and the experimental TTT diagram for the Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-
4Cr alloy.
Figure 14.20 demonstrates further examples of the use of the model
developed to simulate the influence of zirconium (Fig. 14.20a) and iron (Fig.
14.20b) on the start of the β to α + β transformation in Ti 6-2-4-2 and Ti 10-
2-3 alloys, respectively. TTT diagrams are calculated, assuming increased
and decreased contents of zirconium and iron from their usual contents (4
wt.% zirconium in Ti 6-2-4-2 alloy and 2 wt.% iron in Ti 10-2-3 alloy). The
increase of the zirconium amount shifts the C-curve to longer times, probably
due to the decrease in diffusivity. At the same time, there is no appreciable
effect of zirconium on shifting of the curve along the temperature scale. This
simulation result is in agreement with the binary Ti–Zr phase diagram, where
an increase of zirconium from 0 to 5 wt.% causes only slight decrease of the
β-transus temperature, about 15 °C. The increase of iron in Ti 10-2-3 alloy
causes a shift in the TTT diagram to lower temperatures and longer times
(Fig. 14.20b). The nose point is shifted down by about 150 °C when the iron
content is increased from 0 to 4 wt.%. Again, this simulation result is in
agreement with the binary Ti–Fe phase diagram, according to which increase
of iron from 0 to 4 wt.% causes decrease of the β-transus temperature by
more than 100 °C. The shift of the C-curve to longer times is due to decrease
in diffusivity because (i) the phase transformation takes place at lower
temperatures and (ii) the presence of an alloying element decreases the diffusion
coefficient. Figure 14.20b also shows good correspondence between the
model simulations and experimental data for the usual composition of Ti 10-
2-3 alloy. In addition, there is good correspondence between the neural
network model simulations of the TTT diagram and same diagrams obtained
by other methods.